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Thread: Cardiologist is putting me in for a treadmill test to 'cross all the T's'....

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Cardiologist is putting me in for a treadmill test to 'cross all the T's'....

    My Cardiologist is really lovely and after I had an echocardiogram and 24hr holter monitor, he said he's just putting me in for a treadmill and I have an event recorder device to record any palps I get.
    Thing is, I heard some nurses whispering when I picked up my monitor thing the other day and I heard one say something about something not being normal!
    I assume they meant the ECG I had ages ago because that apparently wasn't 'normal' and that's why I was put in for the other tests.
    My cardiologist said there was nothing to make him worried, only palps that healthy people get too, but he said he's book me in for these others tests so he's 'crossed all the t's and dotted all the i's'
    Anyway, I now feel pretty worried since hearing those nurses, and wondering are they really suspecting something if they've put me in for a treadmill!!?

    Sorry, this is just me worrying away! Thoughts appreciated.
    "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" - Jesus

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Cardiologist is putting me in for a treadmill test to 'cross all the T's'....

    Hi Violetwings.

    Its easy to say take no notice of what you heard, But nurses seem to whisper about everything now adays and not always about the patient.

    You could of missed some of the vital words they could of said like ie: that drinking game we played last night was not normal.

    At the end of the day the main persons the cardiologist has said there was nothing to make him worried so take comfort from that.

    Try to keep calm and next time you see the cadiologist ask him/her they will most likely have something to say on the matter (to the nurses).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Cardiologist is putting me in for a treadmill test to 'cross all the T's'....

    I too still get worked up about you heart etc even after countless ECG's, blood tests etc etc...

    I had a stress test about 6 months ago and everything was fine, cardiologist said I have another 60 years left in me!!! I'm 33 now..... I get the odd pinch and sharp pain around my ribs and peck muscles and if I'm in a heightened state of anxiety which lately I have been due to some stressors etc it can flip me out and make me want to go to A&E etc and get reassured again.....

    I went to my doctors last week as I've been having some anxiety issues and I was like maybe I should go back to the cardiologist etc and he was like there is absolutley no need too, your heart is fine.....

    I remember being paranoid about one of my first ECGs as it spat the report out I saw that it said possible such and such and this and that apart from nearly fainting my doctor came in and said after looking at it it's perfect and I was like but what about what I read and he was like that's the computer spitting out possible things and it makes the doctor go over it with a fine tooth comb etc etc..... You can imagine how scared I was!

    It's about the only symptom that gets me scared still and I've had them all..... I'm sure it's just because I have acceptance troubles sometimes!

    Be rest assured your cardiologist is being thorough and has already said nothing to worry about and once the stress test is done you will be much less anxious!

    Good luck

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