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Thread: Diazepam 2mg for flying?

  1. #1

    Diazepam 2mg for flying?

    Diazepam 2mg for flying?

    This is my first post.

    Hi, I just wanted to know the effects of Diazepam 2mg for flying.
    I think I will take 2 x 2mg as I have read that 2mg is a small amount.
    My fear of flying is claustrophobia and panic attacks. My heart starts racing and I feel like i'm losing control of my body. I just want to screem and get of. Maybe I should take 3x 2mg.
    How many do I have to take to fall asleep?
    What will I feel like when I take them?
    Any advise is welcome
    Last edited by Gary13i; 26-01-12 at 22:08.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Gary13i

    A huge warm welcome to nmp.

    You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

    Best wishes

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Diazepam 2mg for flying?

    2mg is a very low dose but can be effective in "taking the edge off".

    What time is your flight?

    I don't fly anymore but when I did my GP advised me to take one the night before, one when I got up, one before the flight. That way, the diazepam will build up in your system. Diazepam has a "long half life" which means it stays in your system longer than some other tranquilisers.

    Also, this way you can see how effective the dose is if you have never taken diazepam before.

    Are you going somewhere nice on holiday?

  4. #4

    Re: Diazepam 2mg for flying?

    Thanks for your post.
    I have never been on a plane before but i'm getting married in September and would love to go somewhere nice for our honeymoon. We are looking at greece.
    Really I would just like to be asleep for the flight. What how many mg do you think would do that?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Diazepam 2mg for flying?

    hi hun take a 2mg 15 mins before departing coz they work with in 15/20 mins and if u still feel anxious take another , its fine ya feel phsyically alot calmer but if 1 dont do it take 2 x

  6. #6

    Re: Diazepam 2mg for flying?

    Hi Gary

    Haz is right 2mg of diazepam is a really low dose. Like she said get it in your system before your flight so it stays in your body. Have you taken tranqs before? If not they will probably work fine for you. The only one that really works for me is Lorazepam but I suffer with extreme anxiety. I think you'll be ok. Greece is wonderful and the flight not too long. You could always try zopliclone (hypnotic) - it comes in 2 doses 7.5mg which is supposed to send you to sleep for 7 hours and 3.75 which should work for about 4 hours. Best of luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Diazepam 2mg for flying?

    Hi Gary,
    I was suffering from high anxiety and panic attacks at xmas. We had a pre arranged holiday to fuertaventura. I was really building the flight up in my mind. After a panic attack i would think, how am i going to do this flight? etc etc. you know the sort of thing we do to ourselves!! Anyway, I got myself a relaxation cd, took claire weekes self help book with me. took a diazepam first thing in the morning, then one 15minutes before the flight. I'm not going to say it was easy, it wasnt, but I did it. I listened to the relaxation cd for the first hour of the flight, and was calm (ish). Had a really good holiday, so practise the relaxation stuff before you go and ENJOY!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Diazepam 2mg for flying?

    Check with you doctor Gary. If you turn up at the Check In gate looking like you're completely out of it, they might not let you on the plane!

    Diazepam isn't a sleeping tablet although it does make you drowsy. I don't think a sleeping tablet would be appropriate for short flight.

    You don't need to be asleep, although you may dose, just Chilled out!

    Oh and don't mix the diazepam with alcohol.

    If you explain your anxiety to the air stewards I'm sure they will be more than happy to help. Last flight I was on (over 10 years ago) the air steward sat next to me and held my hand during take off.

    ---------- Post added at 12:45 ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by daintydi View Post
    Hi Gary,
    I was suffering from high anxiety and panic attacks at xmas. We had a pre arranged holiday to fuertaventura. I was really building the flight up in my mind. After a panic attack i would think, how am i going to do this flight? etc etc. you know the sort of thing we do to ourselves!! Anyway, I got myself a relaxation cd, took claire weekes self help book with me. took a diazepam first thing in the morning, then one 15minutes before the flight. I'm not going to say it was easy, it wasnt, but I did it. I listened to the relaxation cd for the first hour of the flight, and was calm (ish). Had a really good holiday, so practise the relaxation stuff before you go and ENJOY!!
    That's a really good idea as well. Or make up a playlist of the most relaxing tracks you can find and just close your eyes and concentrate on what you're listening too.

    By the way, for some reason, or for me anyway, the flight back is never as bad.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Diazepam 2mg for flying?

    I have been using diazepam to fly for a couple of years now. I absolutely hate flying and have had several panic attacks on planes. I'm also slightly claustrophobic/agoraphobic, in that I feel that the panic will only subside if I can get off the plane.

    I have tried taking 3 lots of 2mg within an hour, and I've tried taking 2 x 2mg when I get on the plane, and everything in between - with varying affects. A lot of it depends on how you feel on the day. I have zoned out through nasty turbulence and I've unfortunately panicked as well.

    I would take the first 2mg as soon as you start to feel the anxious. That could be the night before, it could be when you get up, it could be en route to the airport, it's likely to change each time you fly anyway! The key is not to let it build up in the first place. I can't stress that enough. In the summer I flew from a local airport, and didn't leave enough time to take the tablets, and ended up in a bit of a state!!!

    How long it takes to work depends on what you have eaten in my experience. Empty stomach = 20mins ish.

    On the whole, where I haven't messed it up due to rubbish planning, I've had many good flights. I've been relaxed, and got through some rough weather, terrible landings and not really been bothered I have also been nervous during take off and worried that the tablets haven't worked, yet once we've been up I've felt great.

    The other thing you could do is consider some coping techniques, so plan what you will do if you start to feel less good. (Which shouldn't happen, but b est to be prepared because there's no getting off once you get on!)

    For me I get my boyfriend to give me complex and/or random subjects which I must speak about for one minute, and then it switches to something else. (I've had everything from what causes tornadoes to the birth of the solar system!) Any sort of distraction technique will be good.

    Also, ensure you're well hydrated and avoid booze!

    If you are feeling anxious talk to the staff. They're pretty well equipped to deal with this sort of thing, they see it all the time.

    Btw Greece is fantastic, so many lovely islands. You'll have a great time
    the only thing to fear is fear itself

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Diazepam 2mg for flying?

    Hi Gary

    Last year I went to my GP for help before my holiday as I had, had such a bad flight the previous year coming back from South Africa (I had caught a bug and it developed on the plane, nothing to do with the flight). He gave me diazepam for the flight as I was so scared to the point where I tried to find any excuse to cancel. I didn't take the meds as wanted to be in control, that's just me though. Flight out was fantastic, flight back was horrendous due to me freaking out as we were delayed by 8 hours coming back to UK. In hindsight I should have taken the meds as I think it would have taken the edge off it.

    When I got home I had, had enough and booked myself onto a fear of flying course for the day!!! I attended it and it was fantastic. I have always been scared of flying and was obsessed with watching documentaries on plane crashes so I scared myself stupid.

    The course was a breath of fresh air, everyone had similar fears to me and we had a pilot there too answering all our questions. We were educated on aerodynamics of the aircraft. Cabin crew training, they are medically trained far more than just first aid and have a link to a medic enter 24/7 so they can advise of course of action if you do get poorly on board. I was so scared of falling ill on board and no one being able to help me. I need not have suffered in silence on board the SA flight. They are also highly trained to help nervous passengers and deal with passengers and anxiety, panic attacks. This is a standard of all European airlines. Some flights have specialised cabin crew that can help you through it so long as you let the airline know in advance. They are trained to help you get through the flight.

    On the day, we took a flight, the captain gave us a running commentary on exactly what was happening and when and the noises we were hearing. This helped me a lot. Also we were taught relaxation techniques by Paul McKennas assistant and a psychologist which really helped, especially the breathing techniques. It is the first flight in years that I have enjoyed, not taken my rescue remedy and kept my eyes open on take off and landing!!! On the flight were just our group, cabin crew trained to help, psychologists and pilots.

    Good luck with your flight, this is the safest mode if transport!!!

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