Quote Originally Posted by WorriedMan View Post

I am a 20 year old man who has had a spate of poor health in the last 9 months. I have near constant chest discomfort which feels like a chest infection, palpitations (particularly when lying down, felt in the abdomen), and occasional painful stabs in the centre of the chest.

Currently I am on beta-blockers (1x propanolol 80mg in the morning) for anxiety and migraines, as I had both attacks near daily between July and September. One particularly bad one in a cinema at night got me to the emergency room, but the ECG and blood pressure was fine. The beta blocker helped for a while, but these symptoms have recently returned, along with many others like dizziness, feeling spaced out, upset stomach, more chest pain and more palpitations.

Since July I have visited the emergency room 3 more times for 'panic attack' and palpitations, all ECGs coming back fine. The most recent one (late January) showed slight arrhythmia within normal boundaries, indicating partial branch block, but the doctors said it was fine to leave untreated. This trip to A&E coincided with two extremely sore palps that felt like something was going to burst in my chest, plus dizziness.

I wore a 24 hour Holter monitor 5 weeks ago and have yet to see the results letter myself, but a phone call to the doctor who has received them revealed that there were again some abnormalities (some technical talk, about a P wave?), which could indicate something called coronary sinus syndrome. Googling the syndrome (terrible idea, I know) only reveals information about "unroofed or partially unroofed coronary sinus syndrome", a type of heart defect. I cannot find any symptoms to go along with it, only info about surgical repair.

I have been referred to a cardiologist and have a doctor's appointment next week, so all I can do is wait and see what more tests I need done. Is there any cause for me to be concerned, as I am worried really sick right now on top of the physical symptoms. There is not a whole lot of info coming my way and the wait times are only making things worse.. I was wondering could it perhaps all be caused by the beta blockers? Or could I really have a congenital heart defect?
Hi I have second degree heart block that's all to do with the p waves. It just means the electrical signals don't reach where they should.i regularly see my cardiologist but don't panick it's not life threatening and at worst for me one day I'll have to have a pacemaker.the heart is an amazing thing it won't just pack up so wait and talk to your doc hope this helps?