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Thread: still struggling

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    still struggling

    I still seem to be struggling with home life still, I thought things would be ok when I gave up work, but even though I thought the finanical side was sorted it isn't, we had another letter today saying that the phone company is taking legal action against us. I thought my husband had sorted it. Even though it was him that told me to stop working he seems to be holding this against me, even though Im trying to get some money together through ebay, and Lea and I do a carboot when we can.

    Lea says i have done well in the last few weeks as there have been a couple of occassions when I would of hurt myself, but I seemed to have controlled it.
    My husband is still trying to get to me as one min he is ok, but then he turns funny and unhelpful, If I ask him to help he moans but then on the other hand he drops everything to help his mum. I don't know if he is slowly trying to turn me mad or make me hurt myself.

    I have been trying to control my depression by other means, the swimming is working though sometimes when we are there I get real panicky especially if people come towards me this happened the other day when a group of friends started to come towards me, this made me feel hemmed in. We have also been doing a few dog shows which my dogs have done really well. Tomorrow is going to be a test, as me and Lea and 2 of the dogs are going to a dog display team meeting, as I feel I would like to have a go at this, its going to be in a village hall so I hope its not going to be too crowded.

    We still haven't heard from my sister, which real upsets me, but I try and hide from Lea and Steve, as the dates are getting nearer.

    I have been doing more of my artwork recently and I had a commission from someone in America. And Im still writing I found a site which lets you put your work on and professional writers comment on it. I have noticed that the last few articles ive written seem to be about life when I was a child and written as a childs view, even though my childhood wasn't good I can't understand why I should write like this. Before I got sectioned this is how I would write about things, my care worker at the time said I went like this before I did bad things, so sometimes I worry about it, in case its starting again, especially as I have those dates on my mind all the time.
    Well thanks for listerning
    Take Care

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    H i Susie,sorry you are feeling so down and fed up hun.You are doing so wl you know.I hope this helps a we bit.When i got to the end of my particular tether,my other half said i should give up work,i was sooo relieved and tho i was nervous to give him the riegns[always so independent!]i did it,Well he was fine at first but i think the resposibility scared him!!Soi said well i'll deal with the money,bills etc,as i had always done this before,wellit works wel,he workd so hard ,but he lets me deal with the books ,as it were,as he coudn't deal with it and we ,too,got red letters etc!I hope ths helps,suzie,it's just an idea.You are doing sowell dont let this get to you,ther is always a way round these problems.Always keep the lines of communication open.Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

    we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Mary-Rose
    Thankyou for your help, and saying Im doing well. Sadly he would not let me take over the reigns he is a old fashion man apart from women working, in the 25yrs we have been married I havent had my own bank account until recently.
    He also isnt great with ringing people to help, and as we all know these days if the bills are in one persons name they will only deal with that person, so after me telling him several times when things are bad he will then ring.
    I starting to think that my sister was right when she told me once that I had wasted my life, as I have lived it just for him doing things that he likes. I've only wanted to do a couple of things in life, and thats to live near the sea and run a little B&B, breed dogs, and make a success out of my art and writing.
    When we first married he promised me that we would spend part of our life living here then we would look into living near the sea, well every thing he said was a lie.
    Im aske why dont I leave him well at the moment Im not mentally strong to go through that, plus he wont sell the house and would make my life hell.
    I just feel that now im in my 40s and I have lived my life for everyone else I married him cos my family said, I wanted to marry a man from another religion but would of been disowned.
    Now time I feel is running out, I just wish I could start my life again, and because of my religious beliefs I no there is a way!
    I've lost most things from my life in recent years which is upsetting and though I have Lea I still get lonely and think what is the point, does anyone understand? Can anyone tell me when happiness comes into your life? All I've known is bullying, illness, living on hardly any money both as a child and adult, death, loneliness, being hurt by family and friends and everyone leaves me. I know there are others worse off and probably being selfish but person can only take so much and then its time to give up.
    thanks again Mary Rose, hope you are ok.
    Take Care
    susie xxx

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