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Thread: NICE Guidelines

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    NICE Guidelines

    I found this really interesting. It's the NICE guidelines for Doctors on prescribing anti-depressant medication. Just interesting to see what they are supposed to try and what they should tell you.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: NICE Guidelines

    Hi ems,

    Thank you for that, it was an interesting read

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: NICE Guidelines

    Wow interesting post - how many GPs do follow these guidelines?

  4. #4

    Re: NICE Guidelines

    Quote Originally Posted by LAURA48 View Post
    Wow interesting post - how many GPs do follow these guidelines?
    I've read the guidelines back to front and then some more (coz I'm a bit sad, lol).My partners Gp followed them but the CMHT don't seem to realise they exist.

    The 'consultant' psychiatrist in my area as either never heard of them, or quite literally read them backwards.
    His idea seems to be..... 1st Anti D's not working.... add anti-psychotics, they're not working, double them and add another one (even though partner was zombified already along with Akasthisia). Then discharge without follow up.

    After having to return to psychiatrist (saw one that had possibly skim read them) he decided to change anti psychotics. That not working, add Pregablin, that not working..... change anti-D's (after a year of the originals having no effect). That helping a bit, another psychiatrist changed to a different anti-psychotic. Still not working as they would like so back to consultant. Consultant... double everything to max dosage, add a Beta Blocker and discharge again without follow up. No checks for blood sugar levels or any other tests that should've been done at different stages. GP checked Blood sugar after psychistrist discharged and it's very high (poss anti-psychotics?).

    As for talking therapy... I'm beginning to wonder if they exist in my area!!! 18 months from the original urgent referral to CMHT and not so much as counselling been offered. 4 assessments and currently 5th in the queue to see a clinical psychologist, the number of clinical psychologists currently in my area with a population of approximately 450,000 is ONE!!! Another 2 are expected to join in June so at this rate he would've waited nearly 2 years for any talking therapy.
    I've considered printing the guidelines and taking them to the psychiatrist and CMHT myself because they really don't seem to have any copies or no-one has managed to read them from the beginning.

    Arrrrrrrrgh, it frustrates the hell out of me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: NICE Guidelines

    Hi - Know just how you feel - the NHS service in Mental Health is quite shocking beyond belief!

    The Gateway system is a waste of time - especially when meds need to be prescribed. In the end I have gone private - very expensive but have been so ill! It is the first time I have encountered problems of this nature - as have never had to see a psychiatrist before. The NHS waitlist is horrendous. I did put a complaint in via PALS - waste of time there.

    Why is it if your GP has prescribed various anti-depressants and are not working then the next step up should be a Consultant psychiatrist but oh no a Gateway Worker! when I refused to see one - I had a call from a stupid Duty Officer basically saying I could see a Psychiatric Nurse in June! it is just terrible. I say get rid of 5 Gateway workers and employ one psychiatrist. The GP who I work for (my employer) says it makes Doctors jobs difficult and the system will not change???

    Anyway rant over!

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