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Thread: Do i increase. Please need advice asap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Do i increase. Please need advice asap

    Im over 7 weeks on cit and think i may be slowly turning a corner although can't be sure (strange i know)
    My gp has given me scrpit for 30mg but im not sure wether to stick at 20mg and see how it goes? we go to Eygypt 3 weeks time so i either increase now or wait until after as im scared of side effects.
    The change i have noticed is last 3 days im able to start thinking of other things than how bad im feeling any negative thoughts dont seem to be strong.
    What do i do as its really now or never, the increase was to really lift me a bit more as i just felt existing day to day, yes better than black hole was in but not myself but now im seeing tiny bits of me although think is it my imagination lol...
    Am i likely to contunue to improve at 7 weeks?? not sure how long for full effect although my leaflet now says 3 months

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Do i increase. Please need advice asap

    No-one can tell you whether you will continue improve because we all react differently to medications, but the hope is as time goes on your recovery will carry on and you'll have more and more "good" days which you seem to have started having.

    As for the dose increase, if increasing dose is what's required for you, there's a strong argument to say the sooner you start on 30mg the sooner it can start to work for you. The side effects are usually much less the more you're into the treatment, so 20 to 30mg should not be too much of a problem. I think even if you do get any side effects now, you'll be well over these in three weeks time. From memory I only felt a little rough and tired going up to 30mg for no more than a few days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Do i increase. Please need advice asap

    Thanks i know only i can decide, i got in my head if can cope on 20mg will be better as the higher i go the harder to come off them, this is the first time i have ever been on antidepressants. I also have vestibular damage making me constantly dizzy and any side effects make it even harder. decisions decisons lol..
    Hope you are still doing well

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Do i increase. Please need advice asap

    I can only really comment from my own experience but I have continued to get better and better as time goes on. It seems to be a gradual process and you don't realise until you look back how far you've come. I had thought about going up to 30mg at some points, but decided to carry on with 20 combined with therapy and vitamin B and omega 3 oils - seem to be doing ok so far, but it is different for everyone so hard to advise you on what to do.
    Good luck and I hope you feel lots better for your hols.

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