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Thread: to those of you on sertraline

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    to those of you on sertraline

    Ive asked this elsewhere on the forum but thought id ask on the sertraline section too.....
    Ive been on 50mg of sert for 17 days... for the last 4 days ive been horrendous!! scared of everything!! shaking , cant eat etc know the story guys....
    now the thing is........can bad side effects kick in as late as two weeks later?
    i thought id get them in the beginning, not now.. has anyone else had this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: to those of you on sertraline

    I've been on them 11 weeks and still have side effects!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: to those of you on sertraline

    hi jimsmrs.. have you had side effects from the word go though? i only got my side effects after 15 days or so of taking the sertraline.
    i thought side effects came on within the first few days or so, not 2 weeks later... my main side effects are hightened anxiety and toilet rushes ,lol xx
    Last edited by miniminx; 08-05-12 at 19:56.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: to those of you on sertraline

    Hi Mini,

    At week two and three I was calling Sertraline the devils drug. I hated it so much. I think after week one I started going downhill and it was horrendous, affected my daily life and everything. I thought I have to stick through this, and see if it gets better. I think I am on week 6 or 7 and I am a whole lot better now, anxiety pretty much gone, so persevere with them.

    I don't know why, but a few weeks in they do seem to make you worse.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on xxx
    Laugh at your troubles and you will never stop laughing

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: to those of you on sertraline

    Been increased to 100mg lets see how it goes......cant feel any worse than i do surely!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: to those of you on sertraline

    Hi Miniminx
    the horrible side effects I had have gone now but they started straight away. the one I'm left with now is Diarrhea, only first thing in the morning. I was 50mg for 3 weeks and now 100mg for 8 weeks, Littlemadam is right though stick with them cos they are a slow one especially for anxiety and sometimes you may hit a blip along the way but it should pass. There are a lucky few on here who didn't get any side effects

    Keep us posted on your progress


  7. #7

    Re: to those of you on sertraline

    I have been on them for 10 weeks - side effects have never been OTT (apart from insomnia) but I now have watery eyes, flushed face and agoraphobic as hell. Almost frightened to go out in my own back garden, Its stupid I know. I would have throught 10 weeks I should be feeling more relief? I have just upped from 100 to 125mg

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: to those of you on sertraline

    Hi Newsty

    Please don't ever think you're being stupid, see how you go over the weekend on 125mg, if no improvement then I'd make an appointment with your GP or get the GP to do a home visit if you can't get out to the surgery, Never ever suffer in silence.

    Keep us posted

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: to those of you on sertraline

    I am on Week 2 of Citalopram and the second week and definitely been worse than week one? Suppose the chemicals doing their work.

    I remember first being on prozac had no side effects for the first week then bang they all came with a vengeance but it did even out as the weeks went on. Just have to ride them out! easier said than done!!Laura x

  10. #10

    Re: to those of you on sertraline

    Quote Originally Posted by jimsmrs View Post
    Hi Newsty

    Please don't ever think you're being stupid, see how you go over the weekend on 125mg, if no improvement then I'd make an appointment with your GP or get the GP to do a home visit if you can't get out to the surgery, Never ever suffer in silence.

    Keep us posted
    Thanks for the reply and interest, I will give update. I am still doing everything I normally do (shopping, gardening etc) but in a "fog" - I am determined not to give in to it. Lots of positive thinking, trying to keep occupied etc...

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