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Thread: Hi.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    Hi all.
    I actually registered in June, but this is me just getting around to introducing myself.
    I`ve suffered agoraphobia for almost 20 years now. Well! Not all that time. These past few years I`ve attended college, took driving lessons and basically got out and about. But only in my own area.
    A few month ago I found a treatment(?) called "flooding". So trying this, I got my brother to drive me to my town centre (Glasgow) and told him to dump me and I`d find my own way home.
    Wow! Not a good idea! But. I did it! I managed to find the right bus stops, find the bus I needed, sit on the bus and get myself home.
    A great booster for my confidence I`ll tell you. Only problem was!!!!!! My brother got ALL the attention. No one could believe that he`d actualy DUMPED me in the town. (???????????)
    Anyway. Won`t be doing that again in a hurry.
    Incidentally. Of the 20 years I`ve suffered this anxiety problem. I`ve always tried to beat it "drug free". That`s one of my phobias I guess. The thought that I may not cope with side effects, or that I`d be allergic to the meds.... That`s always put me off taking anything other than a paracetamol for the headaches, chest pains and the leg / arm pains.
    Anyway. Enough of me! I look forward to adding to the forum. Hopefully helping where I can and also gaining insight and new advice on beating this anxiety problem.
    Look forward to reading and learning more.
    Bye for now.
    Ronnie. (aka Mulder.)

    Can I also ask. What happened to the chat room. I was a regular visitor there a few month ago, but on returning I found it is always empty!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Mulder

    Good to see you again. I remember talking to you in the chat room sometime ago. Yes it is still going but most people are not in now till after 9pm. I am in there now (8.15pm) but I am all alone. Try coming back one night after 9pm for a chat :-)

    I have been drug free for 5 years cos I never felt they helped me anyway so I stopped them all! I don't think side-effects agree with me cos I felt worse on them that I did without so I agree that they have their place but sometimes they do make you feel worse!

    Good to see you came back and hope to chat again soon


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , USA.
    Hello, Ronnie: It's really nice to meet you. I've had agoraphobia for about 13 months, but I have only recently begun leaving the house at all = it sounds like you have really come a very long way in conquering yours = that's awesome! I hope you will post again soon. Sincerely, Peanut

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Flooding- that's a term I haven't heard in a while.

    It certainly used to be used quite a bit. For some people it did give them the 'kick start ' that they responded to. For others it was all too much and they regressed further. The Army certainly uses flooding for everything, it's the other term for our everyday term 'oh they'll sink or swim'.
    It does prove to most people that the awful sensations won't kill them - if that has been a fear- and a platform to build on but for others, it indroduces more fears.

    I think that as with yourself if the anxious person chooses to put themselves through it, it is fine but I don't think it should be forced upon people by their therapist as it used to be.

    Well done for that and your recent achievements. Look forward to hearing some more soon


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