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Thread: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Thank you for this really amazing insight to the other side and healing, my question I have is how did you over come the heart anxiety related to the health anxiety? When I get unwell things catastrophize so quickly and I'm trying to not google things but its easier said than done. i permenantly worry i am having a heart attack.
    I used to have a fitbit and that is actually when I had my worst panic attack i ended up in an ambulance convinced I was having a heart attack.


  2. #102

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    My brother is also having health anxiety. Then we concerned to the Doctor, he treated him naturally.

    Doctor advise him to change their Lifestlye.

    Eat healthy breakfast
    Drink plenty of water in a day.
    Eat Complex carbohydrates
    Avoid alcohol
    Avoid smoking
    Avoid funk food
    Always eat protein rich food as they strengthen the brain we brought all the protein rich product from this shop
    After few days he was feeling well.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Thank you for this. Just come across it now, and saving for future reference.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Quote Originally Posted by emmegee View Post
    I can relate to this so well! I'm so thankful for this site because it makes me feel less alone. Whenever I feel like it won't get any better and the fear of being doomed for life with these feelings takes over, I read other's stories and insight here. It helps.
    This is a really insightful post, I will keep reading it x

  5. #105

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Hi,I am 72 yrs of age &have had health anxiety for a number of years, it started after my elder sister passed away with cancer,she suffered really badly for 12months before dying of this horrible disease. My anxiety didn,t start right away it developed a few years after her death getting slowly worse,eventually I went to the hospital after having my first panic attack, I thought I was dying,after all the usual tests nothing was found, I was sent home with just advice, eventually after more panic attacks my doctor sent me for CBT counselling, which worked for a while but the attacks returned, I now take medication which really did help.
    I am now going through the same thing as my other sister passed away last year with cancer,she too had a bad time with it, my panic attacks have returned with a vengeance, been back to the doctor, with all the usual symptoms ,had all the tests etc & they were all clear.I was really close to my sister's & miss them terribly,I worry about the slightest health problems, Google them which creates more anxiety for me,I do have good days where I go out walking which I love but the bad days see me sitting inside worrying. This is my first post on this site so sorry if it's little long and drawn out, but talking to people who have this horrible health problem is very helpful .Thank you for listening.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Lovely post 🥰

    Very wise words I wish I could put them into practice 😔 in the middle of a dreadful time and can’t see anyway out

    Really hate health anxiety 😥

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Health anxiety is new to me though I’ve had GAD for years. But this worrying about every bodily sensation ache and twinge is exhausting. And trying to work out what is ‘real’ and what is an anxiety symptom is really difficult. And’s like some sort of compulsion and not good but so hard to resist. It was so good to read this post so thank you. And massive hugs to everyone who’s finding it especially tough just now. Xx

  8. #108

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Good point, but some people cannot sleep because of anxiety that is usually caused by a racing heart and/or an unsettled mind. In theses cases medical help is required. Darrell

  9. #109

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Just joined here today….this is what I needed help and such good advice from people who understand what it’s like living with health anxiety, Thankyou for this I’ll be taking a look at slot of other helpful resources here
    Ruth x

  10. #110

    Re: How To Survive Health Anxiety!

    Hi Jessica 72
    im not surprised you have been feeling so anxious bless you, fearing loss of more people who are close to you and whom you care about. I am 56 and similar your self. I’m so glad I joined here today to find and give support to others too
    Ruth xx

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