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Thread: Amitriptyline/Triptafen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    , , United Kingdom.


    Hi - my dr has put me on amitryptiline - l0mg a night to help me with my panic and anxiety - increasing to 20mg after first week then 30mg for the third week - anyone been on this (also called Triptafen)
    Any reports from anyoneon this???? Thanks love Wenjoy x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    i take 2 x 10mg amitriptyline at night and it does help relax the muscles to sleep. if i need to get up during night i can get a bit disorientated but nothing too bad.

    they are an older type anti dep - but i prefer them to the newer types is for living not just for surviving

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Wenjoy. I have just got back from holiday but before I went my doctor started me on amitryptiline. I took 10mg a night for the first 4 nights (which didn't seem to make me feel any different really), then I started taking 2 x 10mg after that. I found I was sleeping for 11-12 hours each night, and my anxiety was worse than ever. I think maybe I should have stuck with it as a lot of people say they feel worse before they feel better on their medication, but I gave it 10 days then stopped taking it - I was on holiday, feeling miserable, tired, drugged up and irritable, and I just didn't want to continue it. So I've come off of it and gone back onto my St Johns Wort and other herbal stuff.

    I need to pluck up the courage to go back to my GP now, as it is twice I've started on medication and dismissed it as "not for me" after a short time. But I really think now that medication ISN'T for me and I need to find another way of dealing with it.

    Sorry, don't want to be negative and I hope you find it better than I did. However I would say that I had no horrible side effects, I just slept a lot and was grumpy! And as I say, I think my GP will say I didn't give it long enough, which I probably didn't to be fair!

    It's just difficult when you are in a foreign country and don't know what to do, so in hindsight it probably wasn't the best time to start taking it!


  4. #4
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    Apr 2003
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    I had a search for you and found all these. Hope they help. Loads of advice on them.

    amitriptyline hydrochloride
    Amitriptyline ?
    amitriptyline withdrawal
    anti depressants
    Does Amotriptoline make your mouth dry?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thankyou for all yor replies and Nicola thanks for the list of form pages to view which I have done this morning. I am fine - fourth day on this - feel floaty and dry mouth and only on l0mg so dont know if I want to go up to 2Omg next week as Im scared of getting dependent or having weird feelins!
    Thankyou again.lovewenjoy x

  6. #6
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    I have been on amitriptyline for 12 months and I could not cope without it.

    I can raise and lower it myself as it's an easy drug to use between 10mg - 50mg.

    My doctor said it's not addictive and can not cause long term problems as it's such a low dose and safe drug.


  7. #7
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    Thankyou Red devil - feel a bit anxious but not as bad - been on l0mg for 5 days now and will supposedly up it to 2Omg next week - dry mouth I can cope with and slightly spaced out feeling ok - I do feel a bit of a failure being on antidep/anxiety meds as everyone I know is so "normal" and it makes me feel inadequate if I need meds.

    Love wenjoy x

  8. #8
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    Don't feel inadequate for taking drugs - if you had any other kind of health problem (diabetes, thyroid, whatever) you'd be on drugs for life and not think anything of it!

    If it helps, then it's worth taking. And who's to say what's "normal". Seems from this forum that anxiety is quite a common thing!

    I admire you for sticking with the medication - so far, I haven't done anything for more than 10 days, then have given up because I am feeling worse. I know that antidepressents should be persevered with, and that they often make you worse before better, but I just can't get myself beyond this point!

    I'd love to know how you are getting on with it next week, as it was on the 20mg that I gave up, due to feeling more anxious and also so sleepy. But I think it scared me more than normal as I was on holiday in Lanzarote and I just felt that I didn't feel myself and I was wrecking the holiday for everyone. I might be persuaded to try again if you are feeling positive about it next week.

    Hope it works well for you,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Wenjoy

    I have been on this for just over a month now and I would recommend it.

    Before Amitriptyline I had tried Propanolol (no good because I get asthma) and Atarax (worked well for a short time but only an antihistamine).

    Like yourself I was started off on 10mg at night, increasing to 20mg if required. I must admit that for the first couple of weeks I didn't notice a great deal of difference and in some ways the symptoms got worse, particularly heartbeat awareness.

    However this is very common for Amitriptyline and many of these kinds of medication and many people stop taking them too soon. It can take between 2 and 4 weeks for the benefits to begin especially on a low doseage.

    Since starting them the heart palpitations have been a lot better and my sleep has improved almost 100% Before taking them I would have 3 or 4 nights a week when I would get 2 at the most hours sleep, now it is almost always 6 to 7 hours.

    I can feel a bit dizzy during the daytime if I have woken up early and alcohol is a definite NO in the early stages of taking Amitryptyline, take my word for it. I had drunk a couple of pints in week 1 and the next morning had the worst palpitations in ages, none so bad since!

    Don't be too alarmed at the alarming lack of side effects listed in the leaflet with the pills - including the rather disturbing prospect of a black tongue! I did have a racing heartbeat and dilated pupils during week 1 of taking them which was scary but nothing like that since.

    These pills do not have an addictive nature and my doctor told me that to overdose on them would need to take in the region of 250mg, so they are quite safe.

    In fact I am my guinea pig for my doctor - I asked her if this meant I would have to run around in a wheel but she said no stupid that's a hamster - and will be reporting back on my findings on taking Amitriptyline, it can only be a thumbs up from me.

    Hope this helps. I cannot say they cure anxiety, I still suffer from a breathing awareness / shallow breathing at times and have also started CBT, but for help with the palpitations and definitely with sleeping, they do seem to work.

    Take care

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    thanks for your replies - I will persevere and go up to the recmommended 20mg next week - he also wants me to go to counselling to learn to breathe properly as coz im asthmatic I hyperventilate a lot and have never really learnt how to breathe right - sounds weird but its true!!!
    Take care. love to all.Wenjoy xx

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