So after taking 3 home preg tests 2 came back positive and 1 faint negative and being a week late (which I know isn't that long) for the last week I have had terrible cramps as of my period is going to start but doesn't mixed with this a horrible outbreak of ibs (diharrea) sorry if to much info :( feeling tierd to the point I want to fall asleep everywhere and burping to :( with sudden rushes to go to the loo feeling sick and needing to go! what's going on? I'm waiting for appointment with doc on Friday for blood tests to confirm whether or not I'm pregnant. But I didn't think this was usual for pregnancy but then I don't know anyone who has ibs and is pregnant to talk to. I just feel drained and unwell so this could either be just an ibs outbreak with a late period or pregnancy with bad ibs (if that's possible) I'm just lost hence my ramblings on here! Lol xx