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Thread: constant anxiety v panic attacks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    constant anxiety v panic attacks

    Hi . Does anyone know what the differences are between constant anxiety and panic attacks, symptomwise I mean. I swear I get really bad physical symptoms eg chest and arm pain, shaking etc which tip me over into panic. My question really is can I have these symptoms before I actually get into panic mode, as a sort of everyday suffering., waxing and waning all day?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: constant anxiety v panic attacks

    I have constant symptoms as well. The symptoms usually won't go away until you lower your overall anxiety level. It's just your body reacting to the stress that you are putting on yourself. My symptoms usually send me into a panic as well. My arms will be in constant pain, constant chest uneasiness, constipation, stomach pain, light headedness, ear ringing, just that feeling of doom. Can't eat or sleep.. It's hell but we have to learn to conquer our fear.. I know easier said than done. But we create these fears in our own head by our own thinking. Illness and death are what all of us seem to have trouble with. We have to come to grips with it and not be afraid anymore. It's just figuring out how to do that because our thought process is stuck in the stress and negativity.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: constant anxiety v panic attacks

    Exactly the same for me. My left armpit has a constant 'full' feeling. There are no lumps as I have had it checked. This discomfort radiates into my left arm and makes my fingers tingle. The worst is when it makes my left chest muscle ache and shake.

    This is also accompanied by butterflies in my stomach and that is when I notice my heart rate increase. I have had my heart checked numerous times - all tests normal. My blood pressure and cholesterol is also normal. My diet is good, but I do smoke. I walk every day for an hour at a decent brisk pace.

    All of this has led my GP to diagnose my symptoms as anxiety. 95% of the time I accept this explanation, but after 6 months of these physical symptoms, I do wonder why they aren't easing. They aren't getting any worse mind, so I am now getting acupuncture as a last attempt to rid myself of this problem. Just want my old life back!!!

    Hang in there guys.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: constant anxiety v panic attacks

    I do think that it's very normal to have various muscle pains and aches, and most people only notice these in passing and don't dwell on them. However we can become obsessed with them and set off a cycle of prolonged pain through muscle tension and over focusing on small or minor sensations. We wait and wait for them to go away, but as long as we keep focused on them, they won't which perpetuates the anxiety cycle. I don't think anxiety causes every single ache and pain we have, but I do think it can turn something minor into a long term concern.

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