Hi all,

I had a biopsy done during a colonoscopy and endoscopy last Monday.

I called up today and they said they had a colonoscopy report come back but the Dr hadn't commented on it yet, she said she'd send him a message and I should call back tomorrow or the Dr might call me.

Would I have known by now if it was cancerous? (They biopsied a polyp, which at the time of finding it the GI doc put on the report was benign)

Ive only ever had blood tests done at this Dr's, so I don't know their procedure if anything is wrong, but I just had a missed call from an unknown number (no voicemail) and I'm paranoid they are trying to get hold of me with bad news.

I realise there isn't much I can do between now and tomorrow, or if I get a phonecall, but I'm pretty anxious / worried.

Any ideas?

Thank you

Chris x