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Thread: HORRIBLE intrusive thoughts (this may sound crazy)

  1. #31

    Re: HORRIBLE intrusive thoughts (this may sound crazy)

    I get those feelings now and again say for instance when I'm talking to someone face to face and thought might pop into my head like "what if I just punched this person for no reason" or something like that. We all get intrusive thoughts and urges (especially those with OCD) but actually going out of your way to look things up like that on YouTube sounded like a real problem which needed to stop.

  2. #32

    Re: HORRIBLE intrusive thoughts (this may sound crazy)

    Thank you Nigel for putting it like that, it makes a lot of rational sense and it's such a comfort knowing that i'm not alone in this.

    I have been told by everyone who ive confided in to occupy my mind with positive things and i'm trying. The only hard thing about this is , somewhere in my mind i feel a burdon of guilt because my mind is so foggy and i cant separate the real thoughts and memories from the intrusive and possibly imagination thoughts and memories so when i try to do happy positive things a small voice is telling me i shouldn't because i should suffer and feel guilty. is this common for people to go through when they're dealing with this kind of anxiety? because i find it the hardest thing ever.

    i feel as though my mind needs a rest as if i could block out every thought for a while so that i could see clearly eventually , because i feel as though its tired with all these bad thoughts entering my mind and making me doubt myself. i just need a break from thinking.

    thanks for your support! i really appreciate it


  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: HORRIBLE intrusive thoughts (this may sound crazy)

    Quote Originally Posted by scatty_cat View Post
    This is really weird - I can relate to this totally. Only last night I told my Mum (never told anyone before) that I had been having these kind of thoughts. I absolutely worship my cats but I've had these thoughts come into my head that it would be so easy to pick them up and throw them against the wall. I despise myself for even allowing a thought like that to enter my head and of course I would NEVER EVER hurt them. But the fact that I could even think it scares me so much.

    I've had thoughts like that too about my boys but I don't even want to think about it again to write them down or say it to anyone.

    I understand this, I wont write down either, sending HUGS X 1000000000
    I'm working on not wasting my life.... we only get one!

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: HORRIBLE intrusive thoughts (this may sound crazy)

    Quote Originally Posted by Miffy View Post
    hi there,

    i have OCD since about being 5 or 6 and it got realyl bad as i hit teenage years, i got simialr thoughts about huritng people i love and it scared the hell out of me. What you have to remember is that the fact you are worried about it proves you wouldnt do it - the people who would do that kinda thing dont worry or care about it, i had one or 2 thoughts about animals and my dogs once or twice. Ask your doc about Olanzapine - its a thought stopper pill and im on it to prevetn intrusive thoughts and its amazing. I still get imtrusive thoughts about my ex and paicing about what she is doing every sat night - is she out? and i force myself to go out - like it was a competition every weekend and its killing me - i have burnt my arm badlye and all sorts to deal with it, so i do understand how bad it can be. hope that helps. write back if you need any advice. take care, Matt
    Guys I have been this way too and it's a chemical imbalance in the brain not you, medication can help when it gets beyond a joke and is seriously interfering with your life. Please don't suffer too long with these thoughts they are cruel and not fair on you.
    I'm working on not wasting my life.... we only get one!

  5. #35

    Re: HORRIBLE intrusive thoughts (this may sound crazy)

    I know this is an old thread but it kinda suits what I am going through atm.

    I have been having aweful thoughts about my 2 year old son, who I absolutely adore.
    I know deep down I would NEVER EVER do anything to him but I an gettign myself into a right state as these horrible thoughts are in my mind.

    I panic that I am even thinking these thigns and it scares the crap out of me that I am thinking thing.

    I am just looking for reassurances that it is not me being a bad evil person and going completley phyco!!

    I was at home on my own the other night with my son and we were having tea and I was peeling him an apple (which he loves btw ) and I had to get the knife away from me as I had these horrible thoughts!!!!!! Since then I have been really anxious about my sanity which I think in turn has made my horrid thoughts worse.

    It has put me at ease a bit after finding this thread that it is not me loosing my mind and it does happen.

    I cant say it enough, my little boy is the absolute joy of my world but I am so confused as to why these horrible/evil things enter my mind

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: HORRIBLE intrusive thoughts (this may sound crazy)

    It's obvious from your honest post that you love your wee boy and would never hurt him. Anxiety is a terrible thing, and can play havoc with your mind and your thoughts.
    I'm sure that in a situation, you would kill or die to PROTECT your wee boy....

    You dont say if you're on any meds or therapy but if you're not you should see your GP.
    Sending you a even though you're a bloke, sounds like you need one.
    Regards, WW (bloke)
    Least said, soonest mended

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