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Thread: Abnormal ECG But GP Says Not To Worry...

  1. #11

    Re: Abnormal ECG But GP Says Not To Worry...

    Hi All,

    So an update today, I went to get my prescription of propranolol and had a chat with my local pharmacist and he said similar things to my doctor but was surprised the doctor didn't explain it all. He told me to take it twice a day for a week and he is going to call me to see how I got on, because this contradicts what my GP told me and because I'm still worrying myself stupid over this ECG I called the doctors for a chat with my GP.

    He called me back this afternoon and put my mind a bit more at ease saying my chest was en caved due to how slim I am and that he is sure that is what caused the abnormality in the reading, but still hasn't told me what it was! He said only take the propranolol when I feel anxious and he will refer me to a cardiologist at my local hospital for further testing to put my mind at ease. In the mean time he says I'm fine to go on holidays etc (wish I was going somewhere!) and that there is nothing to worry about.

    I have to admit, I'm a bit more relieved now I will be getting a second opinion and maybe more tests.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Abnormal ECG But GP Says Not To Worry...

    That's great. And remember (I learned this the hard way) don't leave an appointment until you have asked questions, even if they seem silly ones. So glad you are doing better. x
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

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