Thanks Big, hopefully I will start to feel better soon.

So... I got my days mixed up, I am actually Day 39

Day 39

Got kids to school, which is a massive achievement. Came home and I felt tired so went back to bed. Woke up feeling much more positive about lunch time. Did some housework, actually, quite a bit of housework compared to what I haven't done these past few weeks . Still not feeling hungry, even though my tummy is growling at me. But I've had a banana, some choccie biccies and some grapes. Picked kids up from school and went to shop - now that is massive! Bet it was Christmas when I last went into a shop. Bought some crumpets to have later before bed. I've prepared tea for hubby and kids but hubby is cooking it when he comes in. I'm going for a bath now and then later I'm having reflexology.

So today, woke up feeling all anx, prickly skin, no appetite, but not feeling shaky like I was yesterday. Felt great chatting to other mums at school which was nice too. No over thinking either today too.