Hi guys

Regular NMPreaders will be fed up with my posts about lack of sleep and how dreadful I feel.

Soooooooooooo, just to let you know I had my best night's sleep last night in ages!!!!! No PAs!!!!!!!!

No sleeping tablet, just warm milk and some digestive biscuits (thinking about blood sugar levels). I got to sleep quite easily and although I awoke in the early hours managed to get back to sleep (now that is a FIRST). It no doubt helped that I had the bed to myself because hubby is away.

I don't normally chat on NMP late at night, but airowlf and I chatted till quite late and I'm convinced I went to bed more positively as a result; I even told myself it was going to be a good night and that the PAs could bu**er off!! and they did!!

Let's hope the day is neither uphill or downhill from here - just level footing.

I'm off to get showered and hit the day runing.

I hope EVERYONE has a brilliant day!!!