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Thread: Amoxicillin? (Antibiotic)

  1. #1

    Unhappy Amoxicillin? (Antibiotic)

    So my anxiety has been really bad lately due to being (tired groggy dizzie an lots of headaches) turned out my doctor said it "MAY" be a sinus infection so prescribed me amoxicillin. I have a massive fear of taking medication. I have taken this all my life no serious reactions before. I have already taken two and I feel fine other then headache still. Has anybody else taken amoxicillin? Did you have any notable side effects? If I was going to die from a allergic reaction already would it have happened HAHA typical health anxiety question.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Amoxicillin? (Antibiotic)

    I took them loads of times never had any problems ,and the chances are very very slim of you going into shock esspecially as you took them before dont worry take yours medicine ,I sure you will feel better xx
    The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart -Helen Keller

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Amoxicillin? (Antibiotic)

    I am allergic to Penicillin and my allergic reaction was swollen lips and face, hives and vomiting. Honestly, I didn't think anything of it at the time other than the fact I was allergic, went to the doctors and got another antibiotic.
    I'm pretty sure your first reaction is usually relatively mild, not that I think you will have one but even if you were allergic it will probably just leave you feeling unwell and nothing serious.
    If you were dangerously allergic I'm pretty sure it would have occurred within an hour or so of taking your first tablet. You'll be fine, I know how you feel though I was terrified of taking Propranolol last year for anxiety to the point i rang the doctors thinking I was having a reaction (I wasn't).

  4. #4

    Re: Amoxicillin? (Antibiotic)

    Was on a week long 3-a-day course for what a doctor thought was a throat infection. Other than a constant metallic taste in the mouth and a little nausea, no side effects to be concerned about.

    An allergic reaction isn't always immediate, it could show up after a day or two. If you have any symptoms (swelling, red spots anywhere on body that disappear when pressed down using a glass etc.) then stop using the amoxicillin. Symptoms will generally clear up by themselves after discontinuing use.

  5. #5

    Re: Amoxicillin? (Antibiotic)

    Thanks everyone I took them for three days now 7 more to go but I'm still alive and well! I highly doubt at this point I will develop anything life threatening. I'm really struggling with generalized anxiety disorder!!! Hope you are all having a wonderful week thanks for the reassurance!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: Amoxicillin? (Antibiotic)

    From as far as I'm aware Amoxicillin is a pretty tame antibiotic i.e - doesn't usually cause problems.
    My dr called it a 'good all rounder'. I have been prescribed it twice, never had a problem.
    I was prescribed a different one for a UTI (can't remember the name) and had a really serious reaction where my stomach ballooned to twice it's size and I was in agony. DR took me straight off it and back onto Amoxicillin, which was fine

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Amoxicillin? (Antibiotic)

    I had them not too long ago and it was fine - I consulted my friend who is a GP (a handy friend to have, although I probably annoy him a lot with my constant questions!) and he confirmed that they are on the mild side of things and very very very rarely have any side effects.

    Take care of yourself

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Amoxicillin? (Antibiotic)

    I take them all the time. Very mild medication.
    Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy.

  9. #9

    Re: Amoxicillin? (Antibiotic)

    Thanks! I'm on day five and I'm still kicking I do find if I take them with any heavy food I seem to get nauseous but this could just be a anxiety thing! Btw I really wish I had a GP as a friend, I have nurses but they are not the I always tell my fiancé I wish he was a doctor I would never have anxiety again!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Amoxicillin? (Antibiotic)

    Quote Originally Posted by Panic emily View Post
    Thanks! I'm on day five and I'm still kicking I do find if I take them with any heavy food I seem to get nauseous but this could just be a anxiety thing! Btw I really wish I had a GP as a friend, I have nurses but they are not the I always tell my fiancé I wish he was a doctor I would never have anxiety again!
    Haha, yes it is a very nice perk to my friendship with him! I try not to bug him too much as he works long hours and probably has enough people inventing random illnesses during his day But he's very patient (as a doctor should be, I guess!) and understanding, which is great.

    Glad you're getting on ok with the tablets... Have a lovely weekend

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