I am wondering if anybody has taken plan B before and if you got any bad side effects? I was on antibiotics (azithromycin) and my last antibiotic was Tuesday. I asked my doctor about them interacting with birth control (combined pill) to be safe and she said not to worry about it, that the only one that interferes really is Rifampin but people just generalize it to all of them.

Well I was gonna play it safe anyway with my husband because I didn't want to worry and I know me - I would worry. Then I forgot!!! So Wednesday we had sex (unprotected) and then I realized today what I had done so I went and got Plan B just in case. But then I started thinking - Will antibiotics interfere with Plan B because that is also hormonal? From what I have looked up on interaction checkers, it doesn't look like it but now I am nervous still.

Also anybody get any side effects with this? I had to take two BC pills in one day once and it made my stomach really upset. I wonder if similar might happen with this because it's a larger dose of hormones. If so, how long did they last?

Thank you!