Hi guys,

Been a while since my last post been doing so well but then massive panic attack hits in Newcastle City centre 3 weeks ago and bam anxiety is back!!!

Same old thing bubbling stomach, the runs and retching on a morning constant churning in my stomach and so on you all know the drill.

Still been going to work trying to get on with my life but sick of living in fear of nothing constantly,

Docs give me extra 10 mg to up to 30mg. Been on 20mg for 2 year and they have saved me!!!

BUT daren't take extra mg incase they make me ill!! My little boys been ill last 2 days and I have been terrible, but it's cos I've had time to think and been worried about him!!

So my question is?? Is this a big blip and should I continue the way I am or do I take the plunge and up my meds and hope to god they don't make me any worse??

Argh I hate this bloody thing!!


Kendra xxxxx