Quote Originally Posted by hanshan View Post
Go back to your doctor with exactly the same request (doctors hate that). Print out the NHS guidelines on the treatment of anxiety (which includes pregabalin) and show them to your doctor.

You could also point to all the side effects of SSRIs etc. Every drug has a list of side effects - that was a petty power play on the part of your doctor.

If your doctor still says no, say you want a second opinion, and ask for a referral.

Eventually, someone will relent - pregabalin has been an NHS approved medication for anxiety since 2006, but some doctors are still unaware of this (as your GP seemed to be), and just want to keep on prescribing the old familiar drugs.
Thank you. I actually felt like I was losing my mind in that appointment. No matter what I said he just did not agree. He said it wasn't licenced for GAD and I couldn't bring myself to tell him otherwise as he is the doctor who has been doing this for 20 years, and he is the nicest doctor at the practice which is why I always try to see him.

I have actually just sent an enquiry to a private surgery as I am getting to the point where I feel I could go back into a depression at the thought that I may have to suffer this for the rest of my life.

Should I go back to see the same doctor? I feel as though I'd be cheeky doing that. Do you think he just doesn't have experience with the drug for anxiety? Or it is a money issue? Or maybe a bit of both? I would bloody well pay for it if there was the option. I could do that through a private doctor but consultations with them cost a fortune too.

---------- Post added at 04:17 ---------- Previous post was at 04:15 ----------

Quote Originally Posted by nicola1980 View Post
Hi i also got refused pregabalin my my physc, she said it's not common practise to prescribe this for anxiety and also said about the side effects? I was gutted as have read so much good reviews on it for anxiety, im struggling majorly at the min with severe anxiety and panic and having to rely on Diazepam to help me through the day XX
Have you tried for a second opinion? It is ridiculous how badly mental health is treated in the UK. I can't even get any diazepam from my doctor. I understand benzos are not a long term solution and are addictive but I have read of people being on pregabalin for years and managing to come off them fine. God help us lol xxx

---------- Post added at 06:06 ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 ----------

I found an email address for my GP, should I be so bold as to send him an email with my "evidence"? I don't feel I could bring myself to get another appointment with him, I'd feel as though I am wasting time as it is a nightmare for GP's these days with their schedules. When I could easily send an email? Or is that too much? I've never heard of someone doing that before but I just want to fight my case. He did say he would do some research on it but didn't say about getting in touch with me if he found evidence in my benefit. I am from Scotland and we get our prescriptions for free but I don't know if there is a way to pay for them through the NHS? I am just desperate.