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Thread: Anxiety possibly conquered.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Anxiety possibly conquered.

    Hey folks! I'm back again, and I just want to say I think I've pretty much beaten this thing.

    Basically what all started was a couple of months ago, I just simply woke up sweating, and I felt like my head was getting overloaded (I played a game called Master of Orion too much, until around 1:00 in the morning) as well as just having a holiday in a weeks time and it completely put me off course. From that week on I'd go downhill and further, constantly worrying about what was exactly wrong with me, or what 'logical' explanation there was. Then the shaking began, and I couldn't stop shivering or shaking and I didn't know why. I felt constantly anxious but I had no reason as to why.

    The internet here was a real killer, and searching to find people with chronic anxiety made me think that my brain was disfunctional, and so on. Easily confusing myself that I had GAD or some other mental illness. One of the main things you need to know is that anxiety is simply a natural way that the brain works, it isn't a mental illness. Many times I thought 'holy crap I'm going Schitzophrenic' and so on, when this is not the case. If you had a mental illness, you wouldn't know about it.

    I then started experiencing DP/DR, constantly and I even experience this quite a bit now but I'm getting used to it, as it is quite harmless but one of the main things with me was getting confused with those who have Depersonalization Disorder, and that which stems from Anxiety. DD happens spontaneously, for example Jim went to play football and felt suddenly disconnected from reality, whereas in the Anxiety terms, Jim worried about something for three weeks on end his brain made DP to protect him from all the worry. It's also started by all the introspection of ones self, and I did turn inside my mind to see if there was 'any problem'. To end this, you've got to 1) stop worrying about it, as it is harmless. 2) use common sense, if you are feeling unreal, know that you are real, otherwise you wouldn't be experiencing this, 3) stop confusing yourself that you have DD or some other mental illness. If you were like the Jim who played football, I would say go seek more help. I know that I had the DP when it only happened from the Anxiety and I know that the two are linked now, not seperate. I would constantly be worried if I would suffer for the rest of my life with these symptoms, that I was Schitzophrenic, or I had multiple personality disorder, and I still do a bit now but these are just your mind seeking yet another outlandish explanation.

    Oh and with the DP/DR came a 24/7 Tinnitus of somesorts (low humming noise in the ear) that would occur when I yawned, and mostly would happen loudly in the morning when I wake up, or put my finger in my ear. I'd also feel disconnected from my arms (and my nose, ironically).

    I also experienced a metallic taste in my mouth once while I was recovering, but this didn't bother me so much. I also experienced two bright flashes while I slept (I had no idea what these were) and that I was thinking differently (probably another DP symptom) than what I would normally think which happens still today, but I don't let that bother me either. It feels as if someone put a surround sound system in my head, if anyone had that feeling before?

    I went to the doctor's to see if everything was alright, and it was, he simply said that anxiety occurs even without a reason due to stress and things around us that shifts the chemicals out of balance due to the fight or flight mechanism. It made me feel quite a lot better.

    I have noticed that after worrying and recovering you feel drained yourself, so what I have been taking for a while are tablets called Quiet Life, and Kalms. These are packed full of B vitamins which will help you repair your nervous system.

    Early nights sleep is also good to have, and helps a lot.

    Anyway folks heres some material I used to give me support in the darkest of DP.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    , , United Kingdom.
    hey sweetie glad 2 hear ur doing well, wot an inspiration 2 the rest of us xxxxxxxxx[8D]


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    wow well done you ...great news..glad ta hear ye doin great..

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))

    Take care,
    Lin xxx

    "Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , USA.
    I'm glad you found something that works for you.


    "Our thoughts are our reality"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Well done you keep it up mate

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