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Thread: Free Mindfulness Resources & More

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Free Mindfulness Resources & More

    Quote Originally Posted by Nat2015 View Post
    This is the crucial element for me in relation to mindfulness. I've noticed that when I feel a little better overall and less afraid, my mindfulness is less attentive. That's how I ended up with a relapse over Christmas. Lesson learnt lol I now try and practice mindfulness as often as possible for the day now no matter what I am doing.
    Same here, Nat. I stopped my practice as I was in a much better place and was suffering a lot of fatigue which made meditation less appealing to me. The result was a decline in mental health with the older behaviours coming back, increased daily anxiety and even some rituals, bit by bit. Because of the fatigue I started to perform Mindfulness outside of meditation to get my practice started again but I found without returning fully to meditation it wasn't going to be enough for me as I needed those reflection times to reaffirm my practice.

    I find that I can decide to shift my focus to an object and drink it in. Its a richer experience than just looking at it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Davit View Post
    So I wonder if I do this without conscious thought. I never think about thinking positive, I just do it. It is my life now. That is probably the key to my continued recovery, it takes a negative thought to open those closed doors. They are staying closed.
    Yes, I think you do quite a lot of it. You look at things with either a positive outlook or you view them neutrally. Mindfulness is all about this and its also about appreciating what you are experiencing as well as using all your senses to examine it more consciously. If you can say you do that, then you have found your way of doing it. It is then likely that you will gain from learning Mindfulness itself as it will fill in any gaps and you will take it further on your own.
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 20-05-15 at 07:48.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  2. #22
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    Re: Free Mindfulness Resources & More

    That's ok Carnation. If you click the edit button it will allow you to delete your post if you want to remove it from this thread.

    I've half typed up a reply on the other thread but I need to log off until later so I will post it tonight.
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 23-05-15 at 10:07.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Free Mindfulness Resources & More

    Here is an example starter meditation practice from Professor Mark Williams book:

    The Raisin Meditation

    1. Holding
    Hold it in the palm of your hand or between fingers, etc, approach it like it's the first time you've seen on, consider weight, does it throw a shadow.

    2. Seeing
    Really see it, use full attention, find it's highlights where the light shines, the darker hollows, folds, ridges.

    3. Touching
    Explore it, turn it over, feel the texture, how does it feel between thumb & forefinger on the other hand.

    4. Smelling
    Put it under your nose. With each inbreath consider scent, consider no scent, lit it fill your awareness.

    5. Placing
    Put it to your mouth noticing how your hand & arm does knows where to go automatically. Place it gently in your mouth, noticing how your tongue receives it. Without chewing, explore the sensations of having on your tongue for 30 seconds or more if you choose.

    WARNING: Step 5 not advised with a Rowntrees Fruit Pastel (thats all mine )

    6. Chewing
    Take a conscious bite, notice how it affects the object and your mouth, notice taste, feel the texture whilst biting, chew slowly but don't swallow, noticewhat happens to your mouth.

    7. Swallowing
    See if you can detect the first intention to swallow as it enters your mind, experiencing it with full awareness before swallowing. Notice what how the tongue prepares it for swallowing. Try to follow the sensations of swallowing it and if you can, consciously sense it as it moves down into your stomach. Repeat if any more in your mouth. After each swallow, notice what your tongue does.

    8. After-effects
    Register any after-effects, is there any aftertaste, what does does the absence of the raisin feel like, is there an automatic tendency to find another?

    Spend 20-30 seconds on each of these steps.

    Now spend a few minutes writing down your thoughts.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Free Mindfulness Resources & More

    Something I was asked about recently was 'Is meditation dangerous?'

    There was an online article published by The Daily Mail Australia yesterday with a medical professional that was claiming that research had proved it can be. Here it is:

    The first thing that sprung to mind was which form of meditation are we talking about? Some or all or just one? The article doesn't suggest an answer to this so it implies meditation in general. This is strange considering they seem to be talking about using meditation to explore the minds deep recesses. This is clearly not Mindfulness at this point but maybe another style, possibly Transcendental Meditation (TM)?

    The article also made the statement:

    "Backed by years of research, Dr Watkins says intensive meditation retreats are the most common place for these effects to occur and labels them as a ‘psychological boot camp’ for those who attend, especially after building up years of suppressed emotions."

    Yet there is no reference to this research, how it was conducted or any attempt at peer reviewing.

    The article further states:

    Dr Watkins also recommends people identify what they want to achieve through meditation, so they can find a style suited to them and stresses it is not a substitute to therapy.
    'I feel very strongly that people who meditate for the first time should be supported safely in a variety of different techniques until they find a technique that resonates well with them...research hasn't answers whether there is one style safer than others,' Dr Watkins said.
    'It bothers me that people are saying their methods are better than others...meditation is not a regulated industry and if a technique is promoted as 'the best' there is no evidence to support this.'

    This is clearly an issue since there is plenty of research behind Mindfulness in its MBSR & MBCT forms. NICE have recommended MBCT for recurrent depression so they are obviously in agreement that it is not only safe but also beneficial.

    Since the same experts that brought us MBSR & MBCT have authored books on the subject encouraging it, this would suggest the opposite of what this psychologist is saying.

    There is link to her company at the bottom of the article. This takes you to her website where she will teach you to meditate over 9 weeks, for a price. So, is this out of public concern or more about the competition, I wonder? Her own website comments that they have several decades of peer reviewed research but sadly it doesn't say anymore. Actually, its included in one of the modules by the looks of it and you have to pay for that. I can see that she trained in Vipassana which meditation of breath seen in Mindfulness comes from and that she uses multiple disciplines together to get the best results but other than that it can't be seen what she does.

    There is some elements of the article that would seem appropriate e.g. those suffering from psychosis or schizophrenia. These people certainly need medical guidance on what they should apply and whether they are at a suitable stage to apply it but I don't see the relevance otherwise and since meditation is being sold to us as an excellent tool for mental health issues, it would seem to suggest otherwise than what this article implies.

    It is of course The Daily Mail

    From reading some of her articles, she seems to have trained in Vipissana but approves of mixing techniques to achieve greater results. Her course looks to not be Mindfulness based.

    I guess we just need to continue to follow the guidance of our health services and public experts.
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 01-07-15 at 06:52.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  5. #25

    Re: Free Mindfulness Resources & More

    sometimes i feel like i'm sinking down in to the ground or being pulled n i get this feeling only lasts a few seconds before i jump to stop it, i get it when i am relaxing. Is this anxiety? i have trouble when things are quiet and especially when i focus on my breathing, it all gets too much and i get strange tingles in my head,, i sound odd i know

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Free Mindfulness Resources & More

    Thank you so much for this.

  7. #27
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    Mar 2014

    Re: Free Mindfulness Resources & More

    Quote Originally Posted by Sara27 View Post
    sometimes i feel like i'm sinking down in to the ground or being pulled n i get this feeling only lasts a few seconds before i jump to stop it, i get it when i am relaxing. Is this anxiety? i have trouble when things are quiet and especially when i focus on my breathing, it all gets too much and i get strange tingles in my head,, i sound odd i know
    Hi Sara,

    Sorry I missed this.

    The sinking is the relaxing from the meditation which you have proven as you found the same happens when relaxing. You can feel similiar when you take Diazepam I find.

    The jolting is the anxiety just like when we start falling asleep and jolt awake again. It's part of the issue with retaining control of ourselves. We need to trust in our bodies that they will function as they should and will follow the processes they know to relax us.

    So, don't worry about it, accept it and let it happen. Go with the experience. This will get easier shortly and you won't jolt.

    There is nothing odd in what you say, a lot of people talk about things like that on here. I've had it with my breathing and with having a still mind, it felt alien to me so I would start to get anxious again. Concentrating on your breathing seems the opposite of what you should do when you are focussing on your body all the time for symptoms and I felt like this too before I started. I felt the same way about breathing techniques & relaxation. But it is teaching you how to focus on a normal motion in your body and to visualise it too. After some practice the worries about breathing will go, it's just because it's new.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  8. #28

    Re: Free Mindfulness Resources & More


  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Free Mindfulness Resources & More

    Quote Originally Posted by BRAMBLE View Post
    Your welcome. Good luck
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: Free Mindfulness Resources & More

    Basically you are not used to relaxing and for a split second your body reacts with a jolt to the strange sensation. Then you consciously tell yourself it's ok, so it goes away.

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