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Thread: hello all anxiety struggles and health worries

  1. #1

    hello all anxiety struggles and health worries

    hello all dont know which forum this posts belongs but il start here.Im a 30 year old man.Suffer from ptsd and gad and no doubt abit of ocd.
    Ive been suffering for maybe six or seven years badly now.I have experienced a couple of tramuatic events but i really think the anxiety i suffer from all stems from my uears of drug abuse.Ectasy coke hash and the panic attacks i took while on drugs or coming off them.
    This spate of anxiety led me to stay of drugs for the last three years.
    Around five years ago and more I was suffering really bad panic attacks pulpations the usual.
    Ive been to a phyciathrist no help.Been to counselers no help.
    Been proscribed propanolol originally which helped with the racing heart but I suspect this gave me psorasis another great gift I developed about four or five years ago due to the stress .
    I never had any skin problems until this point ever.

    The panic attacks arent as extreme now as they were then but I still suffer tgem from time to time.
    These days my main problem seems to be health anxiety.I go from one problem to another uts just so bloody relelntless.
    My partner and family are sick of me complaining.I have neck problems and degeneratio

    n in the neck as confirmed by mri but besides the pain its the tingling in my head and headaches that drive me crazy.This year during winter I developed this numbness in my fingers in cold weather.Reall white fingers with no blood in them and cold numbness.My gp wasnt concerned and tried to put me on some sort of circulation pills.
    Im still gettin tingling everyday.Sore neck headaches pins and needles in my head and now kn my fingers.
    Could this really be anxiety?
    Im at the doctors every couple of weeks at one stage I was thee three times a week lol.
    Uve been proscribed mirtazapine 45 mg but amy regular dose is 30 but dont take them anymore as they were not helping.
    I still get them tho and ive been trying to beat this without pills.Big struggle I kbow
    At one stage I was proscibed sertraline also but coudnt deal with the side effects they madr me feel mawfull even more panicky.

    Im so fed up with the feeling of breathlessness after walking upstairs tingling headachrs constant worry last week after the birth of a new baby i went to gp.
    He proscribed prozac for twp weeks to take along with my mirtazapine.
    my gp has only prosibed diazpam 2mg in the past for short periods and i feel that surely someone like me who suffers from ptsd and tgis terrible health anxity should be proscribed something strong that can atleast take away this constant worry.Ive visited them hundreds pf times over the years and dont feel like im getting the right support.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Welcome to No More Panic!

    Hiya ryan07 and welcome to NMP

    Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

    I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  3. #3

    Re: hello all anxiety struggles and health worries

    id like to add that I survive now on constant supply of omeprazole and gavison advance after taking these for years due to bad acid reflux which I belive was brought on by my constant anxiety.I jsut cant get off the ppis and even while taking them still suffer terrible heartburn reflux sore throat in smornin and thats the reason im hesitant to going back to taking anti depression pills as I feel that the stomach medication has left me dependant on it.
    I am definly not depressed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Re: hello all anxiety struggles and health worries

    I can relate to this bud. I was on ecstacy and had a small line of M-CAT which gave me a really sick feeling that i was about to blow up. I took my first ever panic attack and for the last 3 months have been in constant cycle of convinving myself i have these horrible diseases, heart, brain tumours etc. I am sertraline for my anxiety and much like yourself am struggling to keep on top of the side effects but at 20 years old I cannot afford to stay anxious so I'm letting the medication run its course, perhaps you should to. I thought the propanolol were horrendous.

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