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Thread: Effexor startup

  1. #1

    Effexor startup

    Hi Everyone,

    Been placed on effexor (75mg) for the past three weeks. On the third week of this SNRI and I dont like the way that I feel, feel spaced out, less focus and motivation seems to have got up and left !!

    It has dulled the anxiety, but it seems to have damped my character as well, will this pass ?, I do not think that I could continue with the medication if I constantly feel like this, everything seems like an effort due to this foggy feeling

  2. #2

    Re: Effexor startup

    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathan View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    Been placed on effexor (75mg) for the past three weeks. On the third week of this SNRI and I dont like the way that I feel, feel spaced out, less focus and motivation seems to have got up and left !!

    It has dulled the anxiety, but it seems to have damped my character as well, will this pass ?, I do not think that I could continue with the medication if I constantly feel like this, everything seems like an effort due to this foggy feeling
    Onto the 5th week now and I feel nothing from the medicine. Don't know whether to ask to change or possibly up the dosage. Its primarily for ocd/anxiety

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Effexor startup

    Hi 75mg is only a low dose I didn't start to feel the benefits of effexor until I reached 150mg and even then needed a slight increase to 187.5mg, if i was you I would definitely ask for an increase, i take it for anxiety and panic attacks and it's really helped me so don't loose hope XX
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  4. #4

    Re: Effexor startup

    Nicola, how do you feel when the nri effects hit?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Effexor startup

    The SRNI effect kicks in when you go above 150mg, i had terrible side effects going from 150mg to 187.5mg because of this but I'm so glad I stuck it out as I feel so much better with my anxiety and panic XX
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Effexor startup

    I concur with Nicola! Well worth sticking with the trial. If possible, I would ask for 37.5 mg capsules to use to get to each increase, as the smaller amount each time does help somewhat. Good luck, the brain fog and dizzies do pass, we promise!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Effexor startup

    hello nicola980 and sadnomore. I am now on 150mg have been for a few weeks. really think I need a little more as my anxiety is still high.
    really good to know how you needed a higher dose? have had headache and pain in my neck for a while now. keep thinking I will give a little longer.
    what do you think????? hopey

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Effexor startup

    Well, ultimately I needed to increase in order to feel better, but I tried to make sure the side effects like dizzyness, the head tingles and brain fog had passed each time first. And I am sure I gave it 6 weeks on 75 mg, but then, I had really struggled with knots in my stomach, dizziness, odd muscle tensions and general malaise til just about then. The last of these side effects all lifted like clockwork at 5 weeks. So I felt "only" agitation you know, but was steady on my feet and eating fine. Just not happy with where I was at, so I went up to the next dose. Again, giving it at least two weeks to settle in. Yes, at 150 I noticed many of the same s/e again, but honestly not as bad as at startup. Once I got accustomed to the higher doses, I think it helped to have engaged the NRI as well, because I was able to steer my brain towards the positive easily. And to put my head down and push through those negative "tapes", if that makes sense. I could function again, no more sobbing and dreading the weeks to come. (For me, pretty much just "winter".)

    I had been reading a fair bit initially after getting help, and was feeling pretty good hearing about the effects of the SNRIs at the higher doses, especially considering how really badly I had felt beforehand. So I had asked the doctor how high he thought "we" might be going with the dosing, and he said simply, that will depend on how you feel. Then he gave me the prescription for the 37.5 mg capsules and arranged repeat visits for awhile to check on my progress. After that, I made my own decision to see how I felt a couple of weeks in a each time, and just go by that. I knew I could always just go back to the previous dose if needs be, but it wasn't a case where my anxiety continuously escalated with each dose or anything like that. Just the brief few days at first, then nothing much. I just continued to feel the need to be more functional. I loved being able to think clearly, and just wanted to be able to push myself to do more and I finally got there!

    Oh, yes, and the headaches, I had forgotten about the headaches, lol! They will come and go, so maybe if that is it that you have for side effects and want to try 187.5, you should go for it! Are you taking anything alongside, because if so, the doctor may need to know in order to adjust that if needed.

    Consider us your cheering section, you both!

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