I'm on my 8th session of CBT for depression/anxiety.

I understand the logic of CBT but don't feel it's benefitting me at all. To me it's like putting spin on everything - seeing good when there's not good. I've found the homework tedious and unrewarding. If I'm having bad thoughts or I'm in a low mood it tries to teach me to distract myself by spending time on something I like - problem is I like nothing at the moment and find no joy/pleasure in anything so can't concentrate on any distractions.

CBT blames my thought process for my depression/anxiety whereas I blame my circumstances/experiences on my depression. Simply pointing out why a thought is irrational, doesn’t really alleviate the emotional attachment to a more irrational thought. I often end up challenging my own thoughts and replacing them with more rational ones without really believing in what they are telling me.

When I explain an issue to my therapist - rather than her delve deeper into the issue, she just ignores it and goes into a filing cabinet to pull out a spreadsheet for me to read and tells me if I follow the spreadsheet the issue will eventually go away.

She told me after 6 sessions I would probably start noticing a difference but there hasn't been any so I'm about to pull the plug on CBT as for me it's too superficial and totally ignores deep routed emotional/psychological issues.