
I am going through a really bad time at the moment with horrible anxiety and depression, I think it's the worst I've ever felt, I've been off work now for 8 weeks and don't feel any better on my current meds. Ive been on Paroxetine for many years and in the past it has really helped with my HA problems. I'm currently taking Paroxetine 30mg (been at that dose for 8 weeks after uping from 20mg) and Mirtrazipine 15mg, mainly to help with sleep. My question is, maybe from others experience, is it worth trying an increase on the Paroxetine to 40mg. My doctor is reluctant to do this and says it won't do any good and that self help is my only answer! I am going to CBT but would also really like to try an increase in case it might help me. Thanks to anyone who takes time to answer.
