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Thread: the EU & the UK

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    the EU & the UK

    Now I know this might get flamed as a few of my efforts elsewhere have been.

    I'm not a floating voter, i have an opinion that's fairly fully formed BUT I do feel that a lot of the information on both sides in this UK/EU debate is not of a very high quality.

    What i would like if people have them is pointers to factual information about the 'IN' or 'OUT' arguments, not opinion and heresay but your actual facts as they seem hard to come by ???
    Dudley Moore: Do you feel you've learnt by your mistakes here?
    Peter Cook: I think I have, yes, and I think I can probably repeat them almost perfectly.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: the EU & the UK

    Good luck with this one, Tony. I can't say I trust much of anything I see and can't see a way to vote at all, leaving me only a default position!

    Whenever I see anything, all I see is nastiness thrown back and forth between either side.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: the EU & the UK

    Our politics isn't a great model for the youngsters.
    I'm supporting Full Fact as an organisation during this campaign that fact checks both sides, hoping that will help to some degree.
    Dudley Moore: Do you feel you've learnt by your mistakes here?
    Peter Cook: I think I have, yes, and I think I can probably repeat them almost perfectly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: the EU & the UK

    I will be voting out. I don't claim to know all the ins and outs, but what I do know is when we joined the EU back in the 70's it was the Common Market and we joined so we could trade with other countries. I'm sure there was much more, but that was the major selling point back in the day.

    Edit - I have just removed most of the content of my post as it was my opinion, and not fact as such. But I'll leave how I will be voting .... either way I don't think we will be coming out as Cameron won't want to be remembered as the PM who took us out of Europe. Oooooooh I do love a good conspiracy!
    Last edited by MrsCav; 22-04-16 at 16:35.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: the EU & the UK

    You can't help but snigger at Obama lecturing us to vote to stay in the EU when a big part of the argument is how little control we feel we have and that the EU control our country. His views might have been less popular in the US a little further back in US history...

    I think he could have only made himself look more ridiculous if it was on the 4th July about 30ft from that big fence put up to stop the Mexicans coming in?

    I will be having a read of Tony's link above as the spin is ludicrous. Newspapers are obviously aligned to specific political parties so can't be trusted. I can see some benefits for staying like how they can overturn the bad decisions of our courts but also that the silly laws are an issue...although should be get Corbyn as PM we might keep having those anyway.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: the EU & the UK

    Hells Bells can you imagine Corbyn as the PM ... seriously, there is no one of intelligence within politics.

    Obama needs to wind his neck in. I swear we must be the only country that gets other PM's or presidents to tell us what to do. I bet Obama never got Cameron over to the USA when he was pushing his health care bid through. We have no say in America. Cameron is a buffoon for getting him to do it.

    I can't stand any of them and I will never forgive Blair for taking us to war, where no weapons of mass destruction where ever found. Yet his first job out of office is a UN peace envoy.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: the EU & the UK

    Yeah, Tony the con man Blair. There was one good thing that we went in to Iraq for in my opinion and that was to stop the slaughter of innocent people. The rest, was just BS, more oil as usual. No one gives a toss about Africa. Syria proved the oil point once & for all.

    I loathed Tony Blair for a long time. I laughed when all his dirty little financial skeletons started coming out. It's all very sad that even now they call on him to talk about the future of the UK when he was a nasty little man only in it for himself.

    UN peace envoy. Just like Obama getting the peace prize for doing nothing, a token, nothing more. He's giving a speech about students being part of the future, how to change the world, but what has he changed? Other than who is one which side of the battle lines. I don't know about his country, I don't follow any of that, but where the world achievements are, I just cannot see it.

    Obama is only interested because of the special relationship between us and how we can be used to gain a foothold in the EU.

    Corbyn as PM would save the military millions from the's much cheaper to train he troops to shout "BANG, BANG" rather than use real bullets! Special Branch would certainly have their work cut out for them at his "tea parties" for terrorists.

    ---------- Post added at 07:47 ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 ----------

    Oh god, now we have Hilary Clinton urging us to stay in!

    What next, Trump?!!!
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: the EU & the UK

    I don't trust anyone. I think most leaders of organisations or political parties don't do it to help, but for power and greed.

    We'll not come out of Europe, Cameron will never let it happen. I mean its 2016 and we're still not trusted to use a pen to mark our ballot paper, bloody pencil!! I'm not saying that someone is there rubbing all the crosses out of the leave box and putting them into the remain box ... but I genuinely do not believe that our government will let us come out, that will not want to be the last legacy.

    I trust none of them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: the EU & the UK

    I did see on Facebook (which is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth) about a poll that ITV did on their FB page about how people will be voting, it was quite high to vote leave and it got taken down.

    I feel the news/media are brainwashing us to stay in. It's very unfairly reported.

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