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Thread: ultrasound

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    I did not know whether to put this in the health section or male section.

    Sorry for another post, which possibly makes no sense in places, because I am getting very anxious.

    I went to the doctors yesterday because I was worried about down there, he did feel something like a lump/tube thingy but unsure and playing it safe because he is probably the same age as me the GP I saw yesterday

    which has already got my nervous in a twist or my testicles in a twist. I am shaking and did not sleep well last night (not been sleeping well for a week before booking the appointment with the GP making me feel sick and scared that its the c word. I am bricking it.

    He has booked me into an ultrasound which I agree was the sensible idea.
    and I got a slot for next week already and confirm in the post in the next couple of days. I think this is how the hospital I attend work, asking can you come in for a scan.

    I know any refers usually is the two week thing to get any odd check by the specialist as I was quickly in the abdominal even no lump was found. I am scared, not because of the scan because someone has posted about the jelly stuff. I have had jelly on my abdominal scan with the bowel cancer scare in 2012/2013 I thought I had. It just that I don't want to look on the scan I am scared once again.

    I do not think there is probably because he knows I am anxious. I have not lost weight.

    However he has warned me not to check myself to often (once a month is more than enough) its like an addiction checking your balls sometimes. I told him about the recent big c in the family (my aunt) breast. He did ask any history of testicle cancer in family, my reply was I don't know my Dad never checks himself, he has admit himself he does not know how to do a self exam.

    I have told my parents, my Dad is coming with me to the hospital just like the other scans, Even though my mum would come with me, Even though a female might have to feel my goodies, my airbags, my bagpipes (I use proper terms in the gp office)

    ---------- Post added at 15:16 ---------- Previous post was at 14:56 ----------

    Would he have done a light test the GP if he thought there was a problem. I have been over checking myself lately.

    ---------- Post added at 15:17 ---------- Previous post was at 15:16 ----------

    Still feeling very nervous and scare, not matter how much ressuarace I get from my parents I am scared.

    ---------- Post added at 15:57 ---------- Previous post was at 15:17 ----------

    I Know google is a no no on here, you can think have more symptoms than you do. I been sick to my stomach with pain. My back thanks to reading about someone having testicle cancer feels tense and a little bit of pain which I have mention. It is confusing what real pain and whats not.

    I am eating okay but have been so scared the last 24 hours. If he thought there was a serious serious problem he would have tried to get me in sooner.

    ---------- Post added at 16:42 ---------- Previous post was at 15:57 ----------

    Been told not get worked up about it, wait and see. I am pooping bricks at the moment because of what could be a lump or a tube. All my other scans have come back fine before for other issues I was scared than. I am worried sick about the big c.
    Last edited by unsure_about_this; 21-05-16 at 22:22.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: ultrasound

    The odds are it's a tube- sory I don't know the official name- that the sperm travels through, I believe these are located towards the back of the testicle.
    If he was highly concerned you'd have gone to the hospital the day after or even the same day. The odds are he's doing it to put your mind at rest and rule out any doubt, think of it as 'better to be safe than sorry', the odds are highly in your favour that it's nothing.
    comparison is the thief of joy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: ultrasound

    yes thanks Mark he did check twice before saying you got a lump or it could be a tube he was feeling Phone call to confirm my appointment yeterday told me the next available date. I think it is sensible to get it checked out. He also asked me about my weight, I don't think I have lost weight I think I gained a pound because he weigh me yesterday morning.

    I do suffer from NF as well but would not have a clue what a NF lump will feel down there.

    I am already one or twice thinking the worst
    Last edited by unsure_about_this; 19-05-16 at 11:17.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: ultrasound

    Even though I have the appointment now, I had a chat in the chatroom yesterday evening and this morning. I am still feeling tense but trying not to worry. Deep down I am very scare. The word lump he use = cancer are my fears. I am scared that it is bad news because my GP only said lump/tube.

    I am bricking it now it is Sunday, with a couple of days to my appointment. I know it more likely a cyst etc as people have said, but why did my GP say lump.
    Last edited by unsure_about_this; 22-05-16 at 14:42.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: ultrasound

    All done specialist could not feel the lump, I told him it felt lumpy down there with tubes which he expained to me what I was feeling. he also ask whether I could feel the lump, I explained what I felt and he knew what I was taking about.

    but still sent me for an ultrasound to be 100% today where nothing worrying was spotted to worry about (tumours) he would have got onto the person I saw asking me to go for more tests.

    So gentleman/guys if you have a problem down there (i.e find a lump) please go to your GP or health clinic if you are afraid to see the GP for this problem and if you do get referred don't panic like I did. I lost it the last week and today. It must likely be not be nothing to worry about, but it best to get it checked out
    Last edited by unsure_about_this; 26-05-16 at 20:50.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: ultrasound

    I had my results back today from the scan just some small cysts related to the epididymis, no other concerns, nothing needs to be done at thie stage is required.

    So guys if you feel anything odd like I said before dont be afraid and get it checked out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: ultrasound

    great to hear that, well done for being so brave and confronting the issue, i'm glad it's nothing to worry about
    comparison is the thief of joy

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: ultrasound


    If I knew how many I have got, I would name every single one a different name

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: ultrasound

    I know the ultrasound would have shown any serious problems, I do still have a testicular cancer fear, but I believe the scans results are correct (so not requested another scan, unless if it needed in the future) and nothing was serious wrong apart the cysts, if i needed them removing he would have booked in for an appointment than and there.

    I been qiute bad trying to feel and find the cysts, so made one area red and possible causing damage to the skin and tubes, becaause testicular cancer still frightens me, I think I am creating more symptoms for myself and more problems down there. also probably causing more veins to appear and getting my testes in a twist once again.

    I went to GP on 17th may, had scan 24th may, result fed back to consultent (dictated 26th may) typed 30th may, got results in post on the saturday 4th june. I been scared i got something wrong for the last two weeks with all this poking trying to feel for any lumps, the cysts and bumps,

    cancer worries are not nice.
    Last edited by unsure_about_this; 28-06-16 at 21:34.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: ultrasound

    I know after 5 weeks having my scan, with results a week later, I would have been told if there was anything elese shown on the scan (non cancerous or cancerous) like veins, hydroceles, varicoceles being non serious lumps. I know i got these cysts to do with the epididymis. but I am still scared and forever checking my balls.

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