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Thread: Bladder issues and anxiety

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Bladder issues and anxiety

    Hi, I have suffered with feeling the need to wee all the time a few years ago but it did eventually go. However, after coming off pregabalin for my anxiety, and starting sertrelene 50mg 4 weeks ago, it has come back. I don't know if its a combination or a genuine bladder infection but after a few drinks it goes so I am guessing its my anxious bladder back! Anyone else have this? Will take a sample into dr on my next apt just in case, but the fact I have no pain or stinging and it comes and goes makes me think its anxiety. Wondering if increasing the sertrelene will help.

  2. #2

    Re: Bladder issues and anxiety

    Sounds like it could be an overactive bladder. It can definitely play up when you are anxious and can or cannot cause soreness and stinging when going.
    I have medication for it which helps stops the urgency and frequency but if it continues I would definitely go and see the doctor about it as they can give you meds to make it better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Bladder issues and anxiety

    Hi I have been troubled with exactly this symptom last 2 weeks! I also suffered badly with it about 9 years ago and it triggered my health anxiety as started while i was on holiday. I took amitriptyline for a couple of years and it totally disappeared but suddenly after a very stressful few months i was hit with it again. Like you I thought it was a genuine infection and doctor did a test which showed a very slight change in leukocytes but nthing else. I took trimethoprim but still have symptoms, so back on ami. I do think its my anxiety. I also have weird feelings like i might pee myself.....hard to explain and i havent done but its a feeling i get that freaks me out. Soreness but no stinging on going but can need to go immediately after going when i know i dont, if that makes sense. It messes with my head. Hope you feel better soon. x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Bladder issues and anxiety

    Hi Jesie, sorry only just seen this message. I am back on 100mg pregabalin and the bladder has been fine since. The feeling of anticipation in my chest and stomach is relentless though, so today I upped the sertrelene to 75mg and hoping it will help. If not, I will be back to the drawing board to try something else. Years ago I took duloxetine, so maybe I'll go back to's such a pain, only thing that helps is a few glasses of wine at the weekend, so it definitely muscle tension. What do you take now?

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