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Thread: About to start Citalopram 20mg

  1. #41

    Re: About to start Citalopram 20mg

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    What copying? I can't see any in this thread?

    Oh, if you mean by copying information from the professional section of, feel free to contact them and tell them their databases, and those they are built on (including the FDA) and all the doctors & chemists that review them...don't count in your eyes. Of course, all those drug manufacturers supplying that information will have to change too...

    And in terms of psychiatrics, feel free to contact WHO. I do paste from the ICD-10 at times but since that's the most senior medical manual used in the world by all our doctors...I suspect they may be ok with that?

    I would ask to see your qualifications but it's obvious that you've supplied enough to tell us all where end you talk out of.
    so YOU have NO qualifications and licensing to give information like this do you doctor terry? and you're just copy pasting from websites aren't you? without knowing fully what the info means, and giving it to people who are in need of help, that right there BUDDY is criminal offence and all so you can feel important been doctor terry how arrogant and selfish you are. thinking of others are you? i would say thinking of yourself and making yourself feel important is what you're doing here terry, and you talk of me been a troll i think you need to look at the definition of trolls and take a look in a mirror..this conversation is over.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: About to start Citalopram 20mg

    Quote Originally Posted by L-o-n-d-o-n View Post
    so YOU have NO qualifications and licensing to give information like this do you doctor terry? and you're just copy pasting from websites aren't you? without knowing fully what the info means, and giving it to people who are in need of help, that right there BUDDY is criminal offence and all so you can feel important been doctor terry how arrogant and selfish you are. thinking of others are you? i would say thinking of yourself and making yourself feel important is what you're doing here terry, and you talk of me been a troll i think you need to look at the definition of trolls and take a look in a mirror..this conversation is over.
    Then feel free to contact the police. Hopefully they will explain why wasting police time is a criminal offence to you.

    So, if someone posts a link to medical websites that have put themselves on the internet, it is a criminal offence? Cool, I trust you will be reporting the NHS for this since they are being complicit with criminal activity.

    You do make me laugh. You think you are winding me up but I've seen many little boys like you in my life, all talk, no substance whatsoever.

    I find it pretty funny that you have also pasted information in here so I presume you will be taking yourself to your local police station today and admitting to your "crimes"?

    Still, at least the bridge you live under will keep you dry now Winter is coming.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: About to start Citalopram 20mg

    Quote Originally Posted by L-o-n-d-o-n View Post
    you cannot fix something that is broken pipkin only live with what is and that for alot of people i have known over the years myself included is nothing but a coward who cannot do what he should...should have done along time ago.#END
    This doesn't make any sense. Perhaps you can explain?

    Quote Originally Posted by L-o-n-d-o-n View Post
    i am not going anywhere terry....
    What is this supposed to mean?

    Quote Originally Posted by L-o-n-d-o-n View Post
    so YOU have NO qualifications and licensing to give information like this do you doctor terry? and you're just copy pasting from websites aren't you? without knowing fully what the info means, and giving it to people who are in need of help, that right there BUDDY is criminal offence and all so you can feel important been doctor terry how arrogant and selfish you are. thinking of others are you? i would say thinking of yourself and making yourself feel important is what you're doing here terry, and you talk of me been a troll i think you need to look at the definition of trolls and take a look in a mirror..this conversation is over.
    You have no idea what members are going through and this sort of abuse is unacceptable. As for a criminal offence, don't be absurd. People are here to support each other through incredibly difficult times. We have medical professionals amongst us but neither they nor the rest of our members are here to give clinical advice.

    What I consider to be more harmful is trying to deter members from a course of treatment which could well help based on your own personal experience and bias. Clearly, treatment isn't one size fits all, which is why we all respond to different approaches. I suggest you open your mind a little or I can't see how you'll be able to receive or accept help for your own mental illness which, by the way, is no more or less important than anyone else's on this site.

    Before considering your reply, please read the forum terms and conditions, especially those regarding respect for others:

    Not drowning, but waving

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