Michelle, reading your first post you'd been taking this tranquiliser since 2009? That's 6 years of continual use. I would say you are still in the withdrawal stages after only 3 months...it took me a year to feel anywhere near normal after my tranquilser experience in the 1980s and I'd been on them for18 months to 2 years. I was on Ativan after initially being on Tranxene.

So now you have all the adrenaline bombing around your nervous system that the diazepam would've suppressed.Your muscles will be almost rigid with tension now too...I was so tense even my eyeballs ached and I couldn't speak very clearly because my jaw was so clenched, and my body shook so badly that my teeth chattered.

They do say the anxiety after coming off them is worse than the anxiety that had you taking them. I was a volunteer for MIND in the Midlands after I'd got through the worst of withdrawl, and I manned a telephone support line as well as making home visits to people coming off these Benzos...it was and still is one of the bravest things I've ever seen.

Please don't despair, I know it's horrendous but you've been doing so great, and you will get through this with a bit more time. In the meantime there are natural remedies in all the health food shops and some of the pharmacies that can help to stop adrenaline producing too many symptoms. I take prescribed beta blockers which calm my system down, they calm my heart down and none of these are 'mind-altering ' drugs like the Benzos are. Natural muscle relaxing remedies are out there too.

But remember that when you get back to 'normal' anxiety is part of life for everybody, it's how we react to it that counts, and when we hit the blips it's ok to take something to help if needed, but Benzos will never cross my lips ever again. There are much better alternatives out there to calm us down.

Stay strong
ISB ☺ x x