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Thread: Sertraline starting week 4

  1. #1

    Sertraline starting week 4

    So i start week 4 tomorrow done 1 week at 50mg and 2 weeks at 100mg i had a few good days not 100% myself but around 80% then sunday and yesterday were bad days again sundays was caused by intrusive thoughts that wouldnt pass i felt highly anxious, sick, tired and shakey

    Yesterday was caused by a bad dream and had the same again although it got a little better come afternoon,

    Today ive woke had no dreams but didnt sleep too well as daughter was up in the night and sont feel as bad as last 2 days but still anxious and shakey anyone rlse had these bad few days and how long till they pass? I see my doctor again tomorrow but shes happy for me to stay on 100mg and wait a couple more weeks and has said ill have good and bad days just looking for positive stories really i spent most my day on forums when i cant function just for reasurance thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Sertraline starting week 4

    Quote Originally Posted by Kayleigh0910 View Post
    Today ive woke had no dreams but didnt sleep too well as daughter was up in the night and sont feel as bad as last 2 days but still anxious and shakey anyone rlse had these bad few days and how long till they pass?
    At 3 weeks you're only just entering the 3-12 week period when antidepressants typically kick-in so sertraline probably is still not doing much. Anxiety disorders (and depression) are often years in the making and they take time to bring under control. There are no quick fixes.

    just looking for positive stories really i spent most my day on forums when i cant function just for reasurance
    Forums are often a mixed blessing. They can help a lot, but reading about others problems and side-effects all the time can also be counterproductive. Going for a walk when you're down might do you more good. Moderate exercise encourages the same brain changes as antidepressants and therapy.

  3. #3

    Re: Sertraline starting week 4

    Ive posted on the ocd side now as im wondering if anxoety could of caused me to have ocd i get horrible nasty thoughts and had one about my son yesterday that make me shake highly anxious scared and feel very sick i see my doctor tomorrow so will be telling her

  4. #4

    Re: Sertraline starting week 4

    Kayleigh I have just moved from 50 to 100 and having same problem. Aches,nausea etc. Very unpleasant and scary but I just thought it would help you to know others are sharing your pain!
    Keep well and let me know how things go

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Sertraline starting week 4

    I am on day 9 of 25mg. I am very sensitive meds and doctor wanted me to bump up to 50mg in a week. Well I had the crying, upset stomach, stoned feeling in the morning before day 7. So I thought I should go up to 50mg. Didn't work, made me worse. So, I'm back to 25mg and I am feeling better. I noticed that reading things online do not help, and I keep checking this forum. I have read many people post that it does take a while for the meds to work. I am starting to receive the benefits.

    I really don't know why doctors want to insist on increasing the medication. For now I'm fine with the 25mg. My daughter told me she was on 25mg for four years. I think we each need to find out what is best for us and work with our doctor. Stay strong and positive!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Sertraline starting week 4

    Quote Originally Posted by snowghost57 View Post
    I really don't know why doctors want to insist on increasing the medication. For now I'm fine with the 25mg.
    Because 50mg is the usual stating dose, and also the usual minimum therapeutic dose.

    Antidepressants do not directly treat anxiety or depression in the way say aspirin does a headache. They work by stimulating the growth of new brain cells (neurogenesis) to replace cells killed, or prevented from growing by high brain stress hormone levels. The therapeutic response is produced by these new cells and the stronger interconnections they forge, not the meds directly. The problem with taking sub therapeutic doses is that at times the amount of drug in your system can drop below the level required to sustain neurogenesis. Continually interrupting neurogenesis may cause the med to stop working.

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