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Thread: General anaesthetic

  1. #1

    General anaesthetic

    I need to have a operation it's nearly been four years I've been avoiding it. It's really affecting me now. I'm not scared of the pain. What scares me is somebody putting me to sleep. Feeling I'm not in control. The second thing which scares me is when I wake up how I would feel in my mind?

    Because when I have my anxiety now sensations in my head. But I get this after waking up ? How bad is it ?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: General anaesthetic

    Hiya Jayesh First up can I ask what the op is for (you don't have to answer!) it doesn't sound that serious if you have been putting it off for 4 years. Yeah I don't like general anaesthetic either always have that fear of not waking up after the op! So if possible I ask can I have a local anaesthetic instead And a lot of ops now can be done under a local too Like when I had a stent fitted (for my heart problem) I rolled my sleeve up and said get it over with. was surprised that they said we do this now under a local so I was buzzing I guess waking up under a general you would be a little disinorientaited slightly but nothing major to worry about HTH Cheers

  3. #3

    Re: General anaesthetic

    Its a anal fistula. They wouldn't do it under local but they can do it regional. I think that would be just as scary

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: General anaesthetic

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayesh View Post
    Its a anal fistula. They wouldn't do it under local but they can do it regional. I think that would be just as scary
    So not too bad of a op then But what is a regional? The only thing I can think of its not a anaesthetic that puts you under so still local but more of the area would be numbed, is this correct? And if it is I would go for that Had quite few local anaesthetics in my life and they don't phase me atall Cheers

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: General anaesthetic

    I remember having a few teeth taken out when I was a child under general and not because of tooth decay, it because I was not losing some of my baby teeth, and to make room for my adult teeth. I can remember struggling to walk and the nurse was not going to allowed me to go home until I was more steady on my feet, I never asked for general. some of my other baby teeth was done under local

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: General anaesthetic

    When they give it to you, you will be unconscious in a matter of seconds. When you wake, you will likely be groggy & very tired for a while. You may sleep again.

    So, it's likely to feel different to waking up from sleep alone. I've had a couple of generals when I was a child and I was very tired when I woke.

    The best thing to do would be to talk to them. They will have had plenty of anxious patients, people without anxiety get anxious about these situations too. So, they will be very used to keeping people calm.

    As long as they know, they can keep reassuring you beforehand.

    They could also talk you through a bit more so you feel less uncertain about what will happen.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: General anaesthetic

    I went under for a wrist operation a couple of weeks ago. I've been under several times for other procedures (Like Endoscopies, for example). I always get super anxious immediately prior, but it always ends up OK. You are under before you even know it, and then awake once again in what seems like an instant.

    This last time (for my wrist) I was sitting in the hospital prep bed prior and getting anxious. Dry mouth, some heart palpitations - the fun stuff. The Anesthesiologist came to me and we spoke and I told him and the nurse that I get a bit anxious about going under. They reassured me (I mean, people always do), but at this point I've been under so many times I knew I'd be OK. I remember going into the room, walking and sitting on the operating table, getting an IV, talking about something and BOOM! I was out like a light! Then I was waking up in the recovery room with a pretty nurse!

    Overall, it's quite safe. Very rarely do you hear horror stories, and those stories are very rare. They just make good, juicy headlines for when they're published. You'll be fine. Make sure to eat something good afterwards since you'll probably be hungry!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: General anaesthetic

    Quote Originally Posted by poppadr3w View Post
    I went under for a wrist operation a couple of weeks ago. I've been under several times for other procedures (Like Endoscopies, for example). I always get super anxious immediately prior, but it always ends up OK. You are under before you even know it, and then awake once again in what seems like an instant.

    This last time (for my wrist) I was sitting in the hospital prep bed prior and getting anxious. Dry mouth, some heart palpitations - the fun stuff. The Anesthesiologist came to me and we spoke and I told him and the nurse that I get a bit anxious about going under. They reassured me (I mean, people always do), but at this point I've been under so many times I knew I'd be OK. I remember going into the room, walking and sitting on the operating table, getting an IV, talking about something and BOOM! I was out like a light! Then I was waking up in the recovery room with a pretty nurse!

    Overall, it's quite safe. Very rarely do you hear horror stories, and those stories are very rare. They just make good, juicy headlines for when they're published. You'll be fine. Make sure to eat something good afterwards since you'll probably be hungry!
    Even so I prefer to be awake so I know I am awake and know whats going on, if you follow So if there is a choice then it's local every time for me Cheers

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