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Thread: Colon cancer fears - lexapro, constipation and floating white mucus

  1. #1

    Colon cancer fears - lexapro, constipation and floating white mucus

    Hey all,

    Lately I have been having a seriously debilitating attack regarding colon cancer.

    First a brief history of my colon cancer fears:
    - In 2014 I started to get severe abdominal cramps and bright red blood on the toilet paper and once throughout the toilet water
    - I went to see my GP who did some searches for abdominal masses and ordered an ultrasound, the ultrasound came back clear and he said I was fine. The light red blood on my toilet paper intermittently continued to occur
    - A few weeks ago around 5 days after startling Lexapro 10mg and started to notice mild constipation
    - Constipation grew and I started to notice frequent small spatterings of light red blood on the toilet paper
    - Went to see a new GP who diagnosed me with a small hemeroid and anal fissure. I was prescribed antisceptic suppositories
    - this morning after taking the suppository the night before I noticed a white candle wax like substance floating above my bowel movement

    I guess my questions are:
    - has anyone experienced Lexapro induced constipation?
    - Is this white candle like mucus leftover suppository or should I be worried about something more insidious?

    ---------- Post added at 23:27 ---------- Previous post was at 23:15 ----------

    Also I'm 25 no history of any major illness in my family

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Colon cancer fears - lexapro, constipation and floating white mucus

    It's funny because I could have written this myself. I'm 26 and have been going through most of this except for the lexapro. Though I have been in citalopram. I can almost guarantee the blood is from a small cut or anal fissures due to the constipation. As for the candle wax stuff that's mucus. I get that too. It's from having an irritated bowel which judging by the constipation it is. Trust your gp. The chances of someone our age getting the big c are a million to one so relax. Anti depressant side effects always cause constipation with me.
    It's always darkest before the dawn.

  3. #3

    Re: Colon cancer fears - lexapro, constipation and floating white mucus

    Thanks Aleman it's truly reassuring to hear someone else going through the same.

    When I first saw it I thought mucus which terrified me as I also know that's an additional symptom of the big C. However as it was white I assume that's better than bloody or infected.

    I'm honestly thinking of jumping off the Lexapro as this constipation is causing me more anxiety than the minor social stuff the led to me taking it! Also glad to say I haven't bled since I started using Antisceptic cream and suppositories the doctor recommended.

  4. #4

    Re: Colon cancer fears - lexapro, constipation and floating white mucus

    Try using Metamucil, or another brand that has psylium husk in it. I take it three times a day and my years of bowel problems were straight up fixed. Of course, it takes a week or two for your system to get used to it and it can cause some cramping, which you will think is definitely colon cancer (because I did too). Anxiety wreaks havoc on your bowels because it messes up the way your system processes food, and can cause both diarrhea or constipation. When I told my GP about how well the fiber supplement was working for me, he said that was a strong indicator my problems were anxiety related IBS. Something about the soluble and insoluble fiber helps to calm the peristaltic motions of your intestines, leading to more normal movements.

    So, anxiety issues + taking a new drug that has constipation as a side effect: if you were going to make a bet, would you put money on that or colon cancer at 25?

    Fatal CRC at that age, you're looking at probabilities where you're just as likely to die from a lightning strike or bee attack. Do you constantly worry about bee death? Stay inside on cloudy days?

    As for the mucus, the walls of your colon are lined with mucous glands, and seeing mucous on stool or in the toilet is extremely common for IBS.

  5. #5

    Re: Colon cancer fears - lexapro, constipation and floating white mucus

    Just an update:

    I stopped taking the suppository and never saw the waxy substance again pretty sure it's safe to assume that was the cause.

    I also stopped my lexapro cold turkey and within two days my BMs have returned to normalish frequency and general look.

    The blood in my stool has also stopped appearing with the use of the cream my GP provided me.

    The craziest thing is I still can't get rid of this feeling of existential dread. I have dark rings around my eyes, always feel tired. I'm guessing it's the stress of the past few weeks more so than say advanced bowel cancer calling fatigue (the ****ed up thing my damn brain wants me to think it is).

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