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Thread: anyone help ???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    anyone help ???

    I am trying very hard to control my anxiety and panic attacks after tapering off Citalopram 3 months ago, due to horrible side effects, but I can't seem to control it when I am feeling physically unwell. At my age I expect to get age related symptoms but it is then that my anxiety comes back which obviously pumps the adrenalin around at makes my problem a hundred times worse !!!! Its a nightmare. Anyone any tips to help me please ? xx

  2. #2

    Re: anyone help ???

    You poor thing. I can totally identify with what you posted.

    I'm having a horrid menopause which doesn't help my panic and anxiety. I sometimes feel so tired and unwell I just can't be bothered to do anything.

    I do word games. Sudoku, colouring or read. I also find audio books are great for distracting me from my feelings both mental and physical.

    Hope you feel better soon


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: anyone help ???

    Hi. I'm also of a 'certain age'. I only feel anxiety-free when I'm symptom-free, which as one gets older, doesn't happen often.
    I keep myself very busy as I find inactivity just allows my mind to constantly scan my body for symptoms to trigger my anxiety.
    Walking helps, housework, exercise. And as Cat64 says, sudoku, crosswords or any game that keeps your mind occupied helps too.
    Anxiety makes me feel physically unwell too so I sympathise with you. If you feel you have excess adrenaline, go out and work it off.
    Even if you have to dance around your kitchen and scream it out. It works!!
    General Anxiety, Health Anxiety and Panic Disorder for over 25 years. South Africa

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: anyone help ???

    Thank you both for your replies. My daughter has recently bought me a colouring book and pencils so am going to give that a go for sure. I guess the most successful thing to do would be to "accept" that I will feel physically unwell at times. But as we all know these things are much easier said than done aren't they ? x

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