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Thread: Massive increase in ectopics with a cold

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Propanolol Please Read

    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie1108 View Post
    Thank you x I'm just convinced they missed something plus I've never had a stress test. Did you feel every single thump too? I'm sure I'm getting chest pains
    yep I felt every thump

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Propanolol Please Read

    Are you asking about the medication or about the skips? If you've had all the tests and your doctor isn't worried, and those of us here who've experienced these skips for a long time have constantly reassured you that although uncomfortable, they are not dangerous, then we're only repeating ourselves really aren't we.

    But about the medication...give the beta blockers a chance to work Charlie, you've only taken one so far. I've been taking them for some years for the same thing, and they really help.

    Like all meds there may be some side effects like lowered energy as they tend to slow everything down a bit, but your body should adjust in time, and you can always talk to your doctor about dosage, whether to take more or's never an exact science. So why not just give them the chance to ease the skips and reduce your anxiety. Let us know how you get on.

    Cath S ☺
    Without fear there cannot be courage - Christopher Paolini

  3. #23
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    Jul 2016

    Re: Propanolol Please Read

    I second what everyone else has said. If the doctor has said they are harmless then trust him. Many people here have skipped heart beats. Some have them worse than others. Some have them for short periods, others have them their entire life.

    I'm part of the later group. I have had them since I was 17. I am now 32. Some times they are bad lasting days, other times they disappear and I don't get any for days.

    I still worry. Look at my post history. After 15 years you'd think I'd get used to them by now right? Nope! Still scare the crap out of me.

    I just learn to live with them. That's all we can do. That doesn't mean I have got used to them though. When they happen I still freak out. I pace around the house talking to myself when I'm stuck in a cycle.

    The more relaxed you are the less they happen. If you feel a skip, and remain relaxed and don't think about it you will get less. You need to learn to ignore them which is incredibly difficult I know.

    Hang in there. I consider myself a warrior with these skips so if you ever want to chat feel free to PM me any time.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Propanolol Please Read

    How long does it take beta blockers to work because I'm still getting them. I feel like I'm going to be the one these skips kill

    ---------- Post added at 14:43 ---------- Previous post was at 14:35 ----------

    Thank you so much Wiredincorrectly. It's the way they change that frightens me the most. One day they're thumps, then flutters, then runs! At rest then on exertion. What makes it worse is that my latest monitor said 4 but they've really upped their game since then. But because the latest monitor said all was good they will not give anymore tests. I think I need the stress test as I haven't had it

  5. #25
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    Jul 2016

    Re: Propanolol Please Read

    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie1108 View Post
    Thank you so much Wiredincorrectly. It's the way they change that frightens me the most. One day they're thumps, then flutters, then runs! At rest then on exertion. What makes it worse is that my latest monitor said 4 but they've really upped their game since then. But because the latest monitor said all was good they will not give anymore tests. I think I need the stress test as I haven't had it
    Oh boy, me and you are the same. That's exactly what frightens me. Some days I get thuds, other days flutters, other times its a hard beat ... pause ... hard beat. I can have these in runs, or spaced out every 10 seconds, or on good days 1 every couple of hours. I've had days where I've had non. I yearn for those days!

    I just had another bout of them after eating a sandwich. Eating is another trigger for me.

    I get hem on rest and exertion too.

    I have rarely met anyone who has the same type of skips and issues I have. I'm actually smiling because I'm relieved that someone else knows what I'm going through too. Although, I am sad that you're going through these too :(

    If you ever have bad days and you just want someone to chat to I'm always available. I say that because sometimes I have bad days and I have nobody who I can speak to who actually understands what I'm feeling.

    I've had these 15 years and I'm still alive and kicking. I exercise regular, I jump rope, I lift weights. The skips don't affect any of that but they do occur during. I'm able to just continue exercising through these.

    My partner and child are off on a walk as I type this. I was meant to go. But after the skips from eating my sandwich I am retiring indoors. Although I don't let them bother me I still can't venture outside because if they happen outside I will freak out so much and it just causes more.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Propanolol Please Read

    Same! I'm sat with my family and I can't even eat I'm so worked up. My ears just went bang so of course I'm convinced that's heart related! I don't know how much more I can tolerate of this crap

  7. #27
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    Re: Propanolol Please Read

    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie1108 View Post
    Same! I'm sat with my family and I can't even eat I'm so worked up. My ears just went bang so of course I'm convinced that's heart related! I don't know how much more I can tolerate of this crap
    When they occur I like to get up and go somewhere where I am alone and relax a little. This usually means lying on the bed with the laptop, or with a book, or even sometimes playing mario or pokemon (I'm a big kid). I find if I can take my mind of them and focus my mind on a book, or doing an activity, I get less skips.

    It's hard to believe, but they are self perpetuating. Anxiety feeds them unfortunately :(

    Does your family know what you're going through? I told my family so they are aware if I get up and walk away. They used to think I was acting ignorant and at one point one family member thought I was sneaking away to use drugs because I alway came back to the table feeling happier and jolly than when I left. At that point I had to let them know what I was suffering with.

    I find it's a lot less stressful when my family are no longer concerned or worried about why I leave the table/room etc.

    ---------- Post added at 18:48 ---------- Previous post was at 15:28 ----------

    Since my last post I got a flair up. I am almost certain they happen the moment I start talking about them. I got annoyed and agitated because they felt uncomfortable. I decided to go and jump rope 5000 times. Took me a good 45 minutes. In that time I had none. When I finished I sat at the computer to log my exercise and bam! they return.

    How are yours doing? I hope you've had some peace from them.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  8. #28

    Re: Propanolol Please Read

    I'm new to ad's and take Citalopram. I'm increasing Cit dose from 30 to 40 and possibly adding another med at my next visit.

    What are beta blockers and what do they do. Are they used in combination with Cit. -

    Any information would be helpful on any add on meds. that are added to Cit and their side effects.


  9. #29
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    Re: Propanolol Please Read

    Quote Originally Posted by johmac View Post
    I'm new to ad's and take Citalopram. I'm increasing Cit dose from 30 to 40 and possibly adding another med at my next visit.

    What are beta blockers and what do they do. Are they used in combination with Cit. -

    Any information would be helpful on any add on meds. that are added to Cit and their side effects.

    Betablockers are used to treat the physical symptoms of anxiety, like shaking, fast heart rate, high BP, etc. It will not treat the mental/psychological aspect of anxiety and depression, however.

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  10. #30
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    Re: Propanolol Please Read

    Sorry, I'm in the depths of West Wales so no signal or wi-if which has been quite nice as it's prevented my obsessive googling ��
    I've taken it easy this afternoon and read a book in front of the log burner so v relaxed. My family are aware but unfortunately have very little patience with me as they've heard the word benign and anxiety therefore think I'm being a drama queen!
    I think today was always going to be anxiety fuelled due to it being the second anniversary of losing our little baby but for some reason I cannot accept that anxiety causes this curse.
    I also find that the minute I think/talk/even read about them they start!

    ---------- Post added at 21:49 ---------- Previous post was at 21:48 ----------

    I was told that beta blockers stop your receptors taking the adrenaline therefore should decrease the palps

    ---------- Post added at 21:50 ---------- Previous post was at 21:49 ----------

    Although adrenaline is probably just one cause. Mine are caused by adrenaline, hormones, digestion ...

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