So been really struggling this last week anxiety will not let up , I wake up and within a few minutes it's taken over and stays all day like an uninvited guest, I can't breathe normally I'm in constant pain from tensing up so much , I can't sleep , so even with all this I'm still trying to carry on as normal , it's like dragging a huge ball and chain around with you all day long .
Now this morning I had to take the kids to school , I was struggling with the task of two kids , bags ,coats and then just out side the school an old woman with a young lad did a face plant straight into the pavement , I was about fifty feet away but a man was jogging past her probably what unsettled her , he looked round at her face down and jogged on , what an absolute c**t , I ran up and my grandson ran through the school gate to nursery , I thought he'd be safe so I helped her up to her feet , covered in blood and clearly broken her nose she was apologising , I reassured her and another chap came and offered to take her to the school office while I found buzz lightyear ( my grandson children in need day ) some days you just see the best and worst of mankind , I seriously hope that jogger treads in dog shite every day for the rest of his life .
Tucked up in a caravan down the coast now ,drive here was hell but worth it , wearing partners comfy pink jumper which she finds hilarious as do my daughters now photos have been sent home but I'm cosy no one is around including the fashion police so who cares .
I need to see an act of human kindness to restore my faith.
Rant over and out .