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Thread: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Hello everyone! Glad I managed to find this place because I've been going a little nuts.

    It all started with some trouble clearing my throat of phlegm, which was really annoying me. After reading that this could be a sign of something more serious, I started getting health anxiety. But I wasn't too worried about it in general.

    Then came the "flu", or flu like symptoms. First my mouth started going dry and I had some minor trouble swallowing along with a general feeling of "umm something doesn't feel right" for a couple of days.

    Then I had a high fever of around 39c or so, shivers/trembling, some phlegm and snot but no real cough or anything along them lines.

    Then I started feeling random pain in places, my liver region, then my upper back, then both sides of my abdomen, these have all since gone.

    I lost some weight, probably due to the fact I felt like crap, but nothing major. I dropped from about 148lb to 143lbs and have generally held around that number. (I've developed a need to check myself at least twice per day).

    I also had numbness in various places, even my face and jaw which was super scary!

    Oh, and a couple bouts of diarrhea, and also some nausea (rare, and short periods of time).

    Lately I've also had muscle cramps too, but that seems to have stopped now.

    Today, I awoke to a wet mouth for the first time in nearly 4 weeks. (Dry mouth is one of my other symptoms).

    But, I felt the chills again earlier, my tonsils are still swollen (4 weeks like I said) and my mouth is slightly dry again.

    I've been to the ER twice, and have had:

    * Chest X-Rays - Front and side, both all clear.
    * A "battery" of blood work (7 vials worth) and nothing came back of concern/all clear.
    * ECG/EKG (whichever one is the quick/simple one) and that was all good.
    * Tested for strep = negative
    * Tested for mono = negative
    * Tested for flu = negative

    My diagnosis is "virus and anxiety" which seems plausible, but the swollen tonsils, uvula, dry mouth, and having the chills today are still really bugging me.

    I guess it could be a really nasty virus, i've seen quite a few reassuring threads right here on this forum, but I can't shake that nagging thought it might be something more.

    Have any of you ever experienced such a virus? Or a bad case of viral tonsillitis/pharyngitis like this? Just looking for like incidents to ease my mind, am planning on booking another Dr's appointment to see if I can get to an ENT or further testing and figure this all out.

    Thanks for any help! Trying to keep positive but it's really playing on my mind.
    Last edited by ThroatGoat; 23-06-18 at 15:32.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    You've had a nasty virus. It happens. Everything you describe is normal for that and all tests are good. Give it a couple of weeks, it'll get better.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    I've had a similar situation but mine has lasted 8-9 weeks now.. I get a slight temperature as well and post nasal drip but I found some slightly enlarged lymphnodes and tonsil on one side only so of course I instantly start having fears about lymphoma..
    I keep saying to myself that it's a virus because my blood work was clear and my throat has been checked and they say everything is fine.. but for the exact same reasons I feel it might be something wrong that bloodwork would miss?
    It's so exhausting! I do feel like I'm VERY slowly getting better but I can't help it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    You've had a nasty virus. It happens. Everything you describe is normal for that and all tests are good. Give it a couple of weeks, it'll get better.

    Positive thoughts
    Thank you very much Fishmanpa! Hopefully that's all it is.

    Still getting some mixed symptoms, currently feeling a bit weak and the throat is still tender/sore too. Fatigued also, but haven't been sleeping too well either.

    Everyone thinks I'm fine, just need to convince myself of that fact.

    ---------- Post added at 18:10 ---------- Previous post was at 17:53 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Sabbine17 View Post
    I've had a similar situation but mine has lasted 8-9 weeks now.. I get a slight temperature as well and post nasal drip but I found some slightly enlarged lymphnodes and tonsil on one side only so of course I instantly start having fears about lymphoma..
    I keep saying to myself that it's a virus because my blood work was clear and my throat has been checked and they say everything is fine.. but for the exact same reasons I feel it might be something wrong that bloodwork would miss?
    It's so exhausting! I do feel like I'm VERY slowly getting better but I can't help it
    8-9 weeks? Damn! I'm at about 5 now I think and it sucks.

    I have the same fears, but I've had 5 Docs examine now and they all seem to think I'm fine apart from having a bad virus and the attached anxiety.

    Hopefully it will pass soon, I do feel better "in myself" but then I sometimes have weird symptoms come up again and they freak me out.

    Seeing a dentist soon too to hopefully get my mouth put in order also.

    Will keep you all posted, feel free to drop in and let me know how you're getting on too Sabbine! Would like to keep in touch with anyone else experiencing similar things. :-)

  5. #5
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    Apr 2018

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    I forgot to mention the sweating didn't I?

    When this first started, I noticed I had night sweats and was extra sweaty during the day too, I frankly stunk!

    The day time excess sweating seems to have abated, but I keep waking up sweaty pretty frequently.

    I haven't had "drenching" night sweats, aka the symptom of Lymphoma (swollen tonsils is the concern here), but I had a nap yesterday and awoke in a fairly sticky state.

    I also feel pretty weak at the moment too, but nowhere as bad as when I ended up in the ER.

    Apart from the swollen tonsils, 5 doctors have checked my nodes and seem unconcerned by them, so I guess I should be too!

    The sweats are still worrying me though. Anyone experienced these for an extended period of time from a viral infection?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Thanks Throatgoat, will let you know if I have any updates!
    Aaah the sweating, painfully familiar! Doesn't help with worrying as well, although I do think it might be partly caused/made worse by anxiety, at least in my case. I also think it comes with a bit of a temperature as well? Hence the chills..?
    I really hope it's just a virus but I keep freaking out by the slightest thing at the moment too. I know it can get pretty bad when it starts playing on your mind but all you can do is be patient, chase the doctors when you need answers and in the meantime try not to worry too much..all best

  7. #7
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    Apr 2018

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sabbine17 View Post
    Thanks Throatgoat, will let you know if I have any updates!
    Aaah the sweating, painfully familiar! Doesn't help with worrying as well, although I do think it might be partly caused/made worse by anxiety, at least in my case. I also think it comes with a bit of a temperature as well? Hence the chills..?
    I really hope it's just a virus but I keep freaking out by the slightest thing at the moment too. I know it can get pretty bad when it starts playing on your mind but all you can do is be patient, chase the doctors when you need answers and in the meantime try not to worry too much..all best
    Yeah they're pretty scary the sweats! Didn't seem to have them yesterday/last night though, so fingers crossed they are going. (They've done that before, but came back again).

    I don't think I've had a temperature lately, if anything my body temperature has been low a couple times recently. But it's difficult to tell with the thermometer I'm using, it might not be very accurate.

    Me too! Let's hope we've caught something similar, as strange as that sounds. My blood work is fine, so my main concern (lymphoma) is probably just my mind playing tricks on me.

    Some good things are that my appetite has been back recently, I'm not losing any weight and generally seem better. But the chills, sweats and occasional weakness still lingers along with a few other symptoms. I've not got any swollen nodes according to 5 Doctors either.

    Hopefully I can get an appointment with my doc soon and perhaps get a few more tests done to try and pinpoint what's going on.

    Wishing you well!

  8. #8

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Hi - just wanted to offer some support and maybe receive some too. I started having night sweats about 10 years ago, during a very stressful time. I thought I had the worst. I went to a few doctors, blood drawn, and they all said it was related to my hormones. At this point, gotta believe them. I can’t imagine I’d be okay 10 years later if I had lymphoma 10 years ago. So you can have night sweats and be healthy. Mine come and go. Frequently they are not drenching, sometimes they are.

    Fast forward to today - I am also having soreness in my throat when I move or open my mouth wide, and started having flu like symptoms (mucous, runny nose, nasal, mild weakness). Doc says there is nothing to biopsy, and isn’t concerned about swollen node. Just finished antibiotics though with little to no change, so I’m still worried. Going to follow up, but so scared it’s something bad.

  9. #9

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Just going to chime in here as I have been lurking around these parts with some anxiety myself.

    I had very similar symptoms that you and others in this thread have mentioned, sore throat, inflamed tonsils, body aches, chills at one point with a high fever, then a low-grade fever for a bit, and now some post nasal drip causing more symptoms.

    I had read online that, "anything lasting over 7 days needs medical attention", and when I brought it up to the ENT and my GP before that they both laughed and said it is more than common for viral infections to linger or for less serious secondary infections to pop up.

    When I mentioned to the ENT that my symptoms of sort throat, post-nasal drip, and other stuff has been going on since april 1st he just said, "Well, of course." Keep treating the symptoms and trust the doctors. You'll get better.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.

    Quote Originally Posted by WasAllGood2MonthsAgo View Post
    Hi - just wanted to offer some support and maybe receive some too. I started having night sweats about 10 years ago, during a very stressful time. I thought I had the worst. I went to a few doctors, blood drawn, and they all said it was related to my hormones. At this point, gotta believe them. I can’t imagine I’d be okay 10 years later if I had lymphoma 10 years ago. So you can have night sweats and be healthy. Mine come and go. Frequently they are not drenching, sometimes they are.

    Fast forward to today - I am also having soreness in my throat when I move or open my mouth wide, and started having flu like symptoms (mucous, runny nose, nasal, mild weakness). Doc says there is nothing to biopsy, and isn’t concerned about swollen node. Just finished antibiotics though with little to no change, so I’m still worried. Going to follow up, but so scared it’s something bad.
    I used to get night sweats randomly too. Usually after drinking. (Could be my problem now too I guess! Need to quit).

    But never usually for a period of time like now, I'm at about 5 weeks of them being on and off. (2 night without most recently I think).

    They're probably a normal bodily function that just creates more anxiety when you're thinking something's wrong I guess.

    I just stumbled on a great article about GAD here:

    Doesn't mention night sweats, but I've had pretty much all of those other symptoms over the past 5 weeks.

    RE antibiotics, I was given a scrip for Amoxicillin and another for penicillin. But was told to only take them if I tested positive for strep. (2 different docs checked, both came back negative).

    If what we're suffering from are viral infections, then antibiotics won't do anything for us, I just wish they could tell me which virus I'm suffering with.

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Natural View Post
    Just going to chime in here as I have been lurking around these parts with some anxiety myself.

    I had very similar symptoms that you and others in this thread have mentioned, sore throat, inflamed tonsils, body aches, chills at one point with a high fever, then a low-grade fever for a bit, and now some post nasal drip causing more symptoms.

    I had read online that, "anything lasting over 7 days needs medical attention", and when I brought it up to the ENT and my GP before that they both laughed and said it is more than common for viral infections to linger or for less serious secondary infections to pop up.

    When I mentioned to the ENT that my symptoms of sort throat, post-nasal drip, and other stuff has been going on since april 1st he just said, "Well, of course." Keep treating the symptoms and trust the doctors. You'll get better.
    It sucks that you're suffering the same symtpoms too, but that's also great to know in a way.

    My doctor also seemed unconcerned that my symptoms had been going on for 3 weeks on my last visit, said to come back after another 2 if things hadn't gotten better, so I'm going to see them again next week.

    My symptoms seem to change by the day, which makes me think it's all anxiety related. The dry mouth (better, but still there now and then) and tonsils persist, but other things keep changing, like today my main problem is tingles, I seem to be having some heartburn/reflux, and my right abdominal area feels as if there is a little "twinge" there again too.

    Really weird! Hopefully we all get past this "whatever it is" soon as possible.

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