Yes I agree about the celebrities! People share "awareness" posts for a couple days and then move onto the next thing that happens. Mental illness is not as widely accepted as it is spread among us. I had no idea, until I experienced it. I pray that we can all find peace again one day.

I woke up feeling decent today, I think its mostly because it's the first time my husband has been home in 10 days because of work. I usually wake up extremely anxious because fear of what the day will hold and how I'll be able to manage my 2 year old. But I think knowing that he is home to help, I didnt have so much anxiety. That or the meds are kicking in more. Either way, I'll take it.

As I mentioned above, maybe you've felt your increase in anxiety because of the anticipation of what is going to happen today. Will it go smooth? Will you handle it all? Just try to breath and tell yourself it's going to be an amazing day! :-) happy birthday to your little!