Quote Originally Posted by BikerMatt View Post
Does anybody know how quickly you get addicted to valium?

My GP would prescribe me 4 x 5mg tablets for the dentist and medical procedures, so not that often.

Because i've had a really hard time for a while, in the last year i've had about 6 short courses of 14 x 5mg. The last two being 14 x 2mg in mid September and he actually gave me 28 x 2mg ten day's ago and i've taken twelve. So that's a little of 2mg per day for ten day's.

You can't get addicted at that level, can you?

What's the difference between that and GP's dishing out co-codamol, which is an opiate? Or antidepressants? which are hard to come off. It took me around 18 months to come off seroxat, so what's the difference?

During the 60's, 70's and 80's they dished out valium like smarties, my Dad told me a few years ago he took Valium through the 70's and 80's.

Valium stops my anxiety in it's tracks and let's be honest antidepressants are pretty heavy duty mind altering things that really can't be doing us much good?

I see it here often people taking 2 antidepressants, pregabelin(sp) and beta blockers all at the same time.

At one time i was taking Mirtazapine, Seroxat and beta blokers. I now just take the Mirt, but i've been offered Venlafaxine and Quetiapine(sp) to go with it but refused. I probably will try something with the Mirt at some point, but what's the difference? We are still pumping ourselves full of crap.

Hi BikerMatt,

I’ve taken and am taking a few of the meds you’ve mentioned, actually I’ve taken a shit load of different psych meds and eventually me and my
Psych decided that medicating weren’t working so we had to think strategically. I had to have a Med for depression, a med for mood, a med for physical anxiety then use a benzo PRN when the anxiety or panic gets to much. I have been prescribed loads of benzos and different kinds. I think there are different levels of addiction or dependency - I am dependant on a benzo to fix my panic attack I am not addicted to benzos that mean I have to take one daily. It’s not about the amount or volume of pills you take it’s about the ability to stop or how dependant you are. Some people wake up and think I hate the way I feel I need a benzo.... that’s when things are bad.

Your usage and reasoning seems legit so don’t stress about it and take them for when you need mate