Quote Originally Posted by BazB44 View Post
I think we spoke the other day.

Abdominal pains are normal, and can be from IBS.

Blood can be from IBS, hemorrhoids, or just straining too hard. Bright red is from near the anus, dark red is from upper tract.

Losing weight? Possibly from going to the bathroom a lot? Eating habits changed? Often people with anxiety get so stressed they lose weight from not eating, etc.

Thin stools? Also can be from IBS.

People don't say to go to a doctor because they think u have something, they do it because it can help put your mind at rest.
Yes we did talk and you were really nice and helpful

The blood, I believe, was only on the paper and I don't think I have seen it in my stools (ever) but now my OCD is kicking in I can't be sure. But I'm 99% sure it's only ever been on the paper.

I'm still quite chubby around my belly area, but I'm paranoid that it's weight loss all of a sudden. It could be due to walking a lot on holiday but I also ate a lot on holiday so I don't know.. and I had McDonald's on Sunday, it's really only been the past couple of days that I haven't ate THAT much.

I remember worrying about colon cancer in 2014 and I had thin stools then, but there was no blood that time.. I think it can come from anxiety because it causes your bowel muscles to seize up a bit and narrow the stools a bit. I don't know though.

The thing is, the pain I'm feeling (if it is from cancer) is coming from just under my left rib and if the bright red blood is from near the anus and is only there when I wipe, then if there is a tumour it must be in my anus and not all the way under my rib. Which is weird, so the blood can't be coming from all the way up there meaning the pain can't be a tumour.

I can't be sure though, but see how rational I can get. And then everything falls through and I start worrying again