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Thread: Severe anxiety over pancreatic cancer

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Anxiety after Call from Doc's office (while on vacation, no less!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Carys View Post
    As above ^^^

    The results were 'slightly high' and 'probably of no significance', so (and I'm a lay person about livers lol) I am guessing that this is a very minimal amount that doesn't sound like 'enlarged liver' territory. Besides, if you had an enlarged liver you would have multiple other fairly obvious symptoms, and would surely be showing signs of ill health - which you and your GP have not noticed.
    I called my mom earlier today (nurse of over 10 years) to tell her what I'm going through with this worry and she said "I bet this is fatty liver, you eat nothing but garbage". Then she rattled off multiple people who she knows who have it including my aunt and grandfather. She also told me some stories of patients she's seen with liver cancer... it doesn't sound pretty.

    I'm still a little concerned about the tightness around my rib on the right side. Even though I didn't notice anything until I was told about the enzymes,I'm guessing its psychosomatic... but my irrational brain insists its pressure from a large and diseased liver...

  2. #22
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    Mar 2014

    Re: Anxiety after Call from Doc's office (while on vacation, no less!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Carys View Post
    So, that all sounds good doesn't it, bI should think they are ok next time, like axolotyl.
    Sounds like a drug. Side effects include getting a bit scaly and the urge to slurp small insects.
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  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Anxiety after Call from Doc's office (while on vacation, no less!)

    I had elevated liver enzymes once that sent me in a spiral until the recheck. My doctor told me it was likely nothing to worry about and to stop taking all vitamins, herbs, medications for a week before the next test as they can all skew results. I did and the test came back normal.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Anxiety after Call from Doc's office (while on vacation, no less!)

    Yeah, that was rather odd reading back what I posted....very bad grammar!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Anxiety after Call from Doc's office (while on vacation, no less!)

    Quote Originally Posted by jules321 View Post
    I had elevated liver enzymes once that sent me in a spiral until the recheck. My doctor told me it was likely nothing to worry about and to stop taking all vitamins, herbs, medications for a week before the next test as they can all skew results. I did and the test came back normal.
    I've also heard these tests can be pretty sensitive.

    I've actually been back to the doctor in a bit of a panic. She went through all of the blood work and besides the slight elevation in ALT, all else is normal. She said nothing about the results concerns her.

    Obviously that wasn't much comfort to a severe hypochondriac like myself, so she offered an early re-test and ordered an ultrasound "to give me peace of mind when the results come back clear".

    I had both done on wednesday, but I've been a nervous wreck since the ultrasound. I keep staring at my phone expecting an urgent call about some tumors they found on the scan or something. During the actual procedure the tech sighed once and I was thinking "there it is, she found it!", or when she would stay at one spot for a long time I would be certain something sinister was found. Then I got up when it was over and she had a smile and told me to have a nice day.

    The emergency call hasn't come yet, but I made the mistake of looking at the ultrasound images when I was leaving, and I was sure it didn't look right.

    I'm really nervous that the urgent call is coming. My anxiety is through the roof.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Anxiety after Call from Doc's office (while on vacation, no less!)

    "Told Ya So Gang" on standby Hopefully the additional clear results will quell the worry.

    Positive thoughts
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    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Anxiety after Call from Doc's office (while on vacation, no less!)

    The emergency call hasn't come yet, but I made the mistake of looking at the ultrasound images when I was leaving, and I was sure it didn't look right.
    Oh right.....

    you've had years of medical training have you to read ultrasounds?? Come ooonnnnnnnnn, not only can you read them like a medically trained professional, but you can read them in a quick flash of an eye glance ! (mind, now you will come back and tell me you ARE a medically trained professional and a rdaiologist to boot LOLOL)
    Last edited by Carys; 26-10-18 at 17:10.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Anxiety after Call from Doc's office (while on vacation, no less!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Carys View Post
    Oh right.....

    you've had years of medical training have you to read ultrasounds?? Come ooonnnnnnnnn, not only can you read them like a medically trained professional, but you can read them in a quick flash of an eye glance ! (mind, now you will come back and tell me you ARE a medically trained professional and a rdaiologist to boot LOLOL)
    LOL I wish I was a radiologist. I'd certainly be making more than I am currently.

    Part of me says that if they found something as sinister as I'm imagining, the tech would immediately alert the radiologist, and they'd be back with the results straight away suggesting immediate care, further tests, etc, and not sitting on it for the last two days. But then my anxious side doubts that rationale, and thinks that maybe they just don't care or are too swamped to expedite my scans.

  9. #29
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    Re: Anxiety after Call from Doc's office (while on vacation, no less!)

    ordered an ultrasound "to give me peace of mind when the results come back clear".

    Ah haaaaaaa

    So, you aren't a radiologist, so what on earth would you know from glancing at an image .....Stop trying to analyse the face and gestures of a radiologist - they are trained to give nothing away, either good or bad. I know this, as I've tried to 'find stuff out' from looking at every single possible cue during radiology appts. Same applies to having had a phone call yet or not - there is nothing in it either way. Nothing. Remind yourself all the positive things you've already been told, get on with your life....results will come when they come, and no amount of stressing now will make the blindest bit of difference. You might as well save your adrenaline as flooding yourself with it, will make NOooooo difference at all.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: Anxiety after Call from Doc's office (while on vacation, no less!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Carys View Post
    Ah haaaaaaa

    So, you aren't a radiologist, so what on earth would you know from glancing at an image .....Stop trying to analyse the face and gestures of a radiologist - they are trained to give nothing away, either good or bad. I know this, as I've tried to 'find stuff out' from looking at every single possible cue during radiology appts. Same applies to having had a phone call yet or not - there is nothing in it either way. Nothing. Remind yourself all the positive things you've already been told, get on with your life....results will come when they come, and no amount of stressing now will make the blindest bit of difference. You might as well save your adrenaline as flooding yourself with it, will make NOooooo difference at all.
    I guess what I'm saying is, is that if the tech seen something was off (like a tumor riddled liver), it likely would have been flagged and shown to the radiologist ASAP... leading to me getting an urgent call from my doc who ordered the test.

    Does that make sense, or am I just trying too hard to calm my self down?

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