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Thread: So scared of sedation for Endoscopy :(

  1. #1

    So scared of sedation for Endoscopy :(

    Ive been having trouble swallowing. I might have to get an endoscopy done. I'm going to ask my GI specialist if i can do it without being sedated, but i dont know if they'll allow it. If i have to go through with it sedation i know i'll freak out prior to the procedure. I have this fear that i will not wake up from it or i will go into cardiac arrest. I am 30 years old and in my 20's i've have 2 surgeries under general anesthesia. I've also been sedated for wisdom teeth extraction, pelvic biopsy and sedated for a colonoscopy before. Back then i didnt have such bad anxiety like i do now. I have this fear that i will die during my endoscopy and leave my husband and child heart broken. :(

    Am i a wreck or what...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: So scared of sedation for Endoscopy :(

    Quote Originally Posted by sarshcfran View Post
    Ive been having trouble swallowing. I might have to get an endoscopy done. I'm going to ask my GI specialist if i can do it without being sedated, but i dont know if they'll allow it. If i have to go through with it sedation i know i'll freak out prior to the procedure. I have this fear that i will not wake up from it or i will go into cardiac arrest. I am 30 years old and in my 20's i've have 2 surgeries under general anesthesia. I've also been sedated for wisdom teeth extraction, pelvic biopsy and sedated for a colonoscopy before. Back then i didnt have such bad anxiety like i do now. I have this fear that i will die during my endoscopy and leave my husband and child heart broken. :(

    Am i a wreck or what...
    You are catastrophising the whole scenario, instead of thinking rationally!! Do you really think that specialists perform endoscopies that are going to kill people?

    I have anxiety and have had a few endoscopies during my life and the procedure is very simple. I've always opted for the sedation as it relaxes the body. They numb your throat with spray, put in a mouth guard then give you an injection. You don't remember anything about the procedure when you wake up, it's that simple.

    Absolutely nothing to worry about

  3. #3

    Re: So scared of sedation for Endoscopy :(

    A year ago I could have written this! Except for the wanting to do it awake part
    Anyways, I had a big fear of getting sedation. The part I didn't like is related a lot to my anxiety: losing control! Anyways, I worked myself up a lot before and was even crying in the little waiting room before I went in because I was so scared. Long story short, the nurses and doctor were very calming and they will give you something to relax you before they do the actual sedation. This makes you just feel very sleepy and relaxed. For me, they kind of talked to me a little and I would kind of respond but was drifting off to sleep. Next thing I knew I opened my eyes and it was all over. Oh and I felt REALLY good
    It's hard when people say to try and calm down because anxiety doesn't work that way, but believe me, it's an easy procedure and the sedation is a breeze and worth it! Definitely don't think you want to do that awake!

  4. #4

    Re: So scared of sedation for Endoscopy :(

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies18 View Post
    A year ago I could have written this! Except for the wanting to do it awake part
    Anyways, I had a big fear of getting sedation. The part I didn't like is related a lot to my anxiety: losing control! Anyways, I worked myself up a lot before and was even crying in the little waiting room before I went in because I was so scared. Long story short, the nurses and doctor were very calming and they will give you something to relax you before they do the actual sedation. This makes you just feel very sleepy and relaxed. For me, they kind of talked to me a little and I would kind of respond but was drifting off to sleep. Next thing I knew I opened my eyes and it was all over. Oh and I felt REALLY good
    It's hard when people say to try and calm down because anxiety doesn't work that way, but believe me, it's an easy procedure and the sedation is a breeze and worth it! Definitely don't think you want to do that awake!
    i had a barium swallow this morning, so hopefully that comes back ok. Then i won't need an endoscopy. Im glad everything went well for you, but i cant seem to wrap my head around anything rational. Do you know what kind of sedation they used on you? i got all worked up and started googling versed and propofol which are the most common types of sedation they use during an endoscopy...and of course a bunch of scary stuff came up. People dying from sedation and what not, a bunch of freak accidents...which makes me think what if that happens to me... i hate anxiety, sometimes the thoughts and worry is so much worse.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: So scared of sedation for Endoscopy :(

    I had an endoscopy without sedation the trick is not to swallow once the camera is down,it was easy and I went home straight after walking past all the men all tucked up in bed recovering lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    So scared of sedation for Endoscopy :(

    They said I can have sedation or gas and air but I don't want to have either,I had an endoscopy without sedation so thinking it can't be worse than that unless it's painful,are they painful?

  7. #7

    Re: So scared of sedation for Endoscopy :(

    Welp, I have my endoscopy scheduled in a few weeks. I live in the U.S. and they dont do it without sedation here, at least my GI doctor won't do it without sedation. It might be better for me anyway since I am naturally a nervous wreck about everything. My barium swallow came back normal but my GI doctor said theres still some things a barium swallow would not show so he recommended the endoscopy. My husband is going with me which makes me feel a little better...
    I'm not even worried about the actual procedure, but its the sedation that freaks me out. I guess i hate being out of control and not knowing what's going on. I've been sedated a few times before with the same kind of sedation (versed), but back then i didnt have an anxiety disorder. It's a never ending battle.

  8. #8

    Re: I need to have colonoscopy for the first time.

    I had my endoscopy plus a colonoscopy done yesterday. I was so nervous prior...but once i got into the procedure room they gave me the sedation (versed & demerol) and i was out...then i woke up and was like HUH?? it was easy and i hate myself for worrying so much about it. results were normal. my throat is pretty sore though.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: So scared of sedation for Endoscopy :(

    Glad to hear it all went well! I think you deserve celebratory icecream.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: So scared of sedation for Endoscopy :(

    Well done!
    Mine was a bit sore too for a day or so. It wears off.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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