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Thread: Left side of neck/under ear/head pain for months

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Left side of neck/under ear/head pain for months

    About 2 months ago while I was at the gym (I had started going about 1 month before this), I developed a pretty bad one sided headache. I came home after it started and I've actually not been back to the gym since then.
    The head pain went away that day after a few hours, but that week I got this new pain/sensation in my neck/under my left ear. I don't know if that's related to my headache from before but It's a kind of pain, also I can feel it twitching quite often. I went to the doctor that week because I was anxious. She checked in my ear and said it was a little inflamed but she didn't diagnose me with anything. I didn't tell her about the gym though.
    For the last 2+ months that pain has come and gone every few days. Especially the last few days it has been noticeable. Sometimes the pain sensation I can feel under my left collarbone.

    I'm pretty anxious about it but since I already went to the doctor I'm not sure what to do. She asked me what my fears were that day and I told her a blood clot or something, and she reasurred me, but now I'm worrying about ALS or something like that (because of my muscle twitches and stuff) I don't know a whole lot about it and I'm not gonna Google because I know it'll send me into a panic.

    Does it seem like it could be something like that or something bad in general? Could I have injured myself at the gym? Since I haven't been there for 2 months now I thought I wouldn't still have any pain if I did injure myself..?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Left side of neck/under ear/head pain for months

    Hello itiswhatitis

    So you were at the gym, developed a headache presumably from the gym, which subsequently went away.

    You then got a pain under your ear, your doctor couldn't find anything except for a little inflammation. Since then, the pain has come and gone, and you're worried it's ALS?

    Read that back to yourself - I hope it makes you laugh as it did me haha.

    IMHO, this is nothing. I think you've developed a symptom e.g. the headache, then started "hyper focusing" on symptoms, and unintentionally created a new one. Sinister symptoms do not come and go. They progress and get worse and worse. (There are exceptions, for example the seizures caused by a brain tumour do not happen all the time, but this does NOT apply to your case)

    I think you can move on from this assured there's nothing sinister going on whatsoever

    good luck
    Healthcare Professional with Health Anxiety

    Worrying about Brain Tumours since 2012!

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