Quote Originally Posted by RadioGaGa View Post
With regards trying "something else", it depends what you mean by that? Certainly, switching to a "benzo a day" would not, IMHO, be the best course of action because tolerance will develop there as well and you'll end up with the same situation. However again your psychiatrist is best to advise you on this.

The only real way to slow down (or prevent) tolerance from developing to these drugs is:
* Don't take them every day
* Only take prescribed dose - if you notice not effective, do not take an extra dose and mention this to your prescriber - then consider "drug holiday"
* Drug holidays

Even then, some people who do the above still continue to develop tolerance. This is why these drugs are best used only "when needed" and after other avenues have been exhausted.

I totally understand tolerance issues with opiates, benzos, alcohol and other "addictive" drugs, but what about antidepressant meds which do not produce immediate "reward pathway" effects?