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Thread: Freaking out very badly with false memories, please someone help me

  1. #1

    Freaking out very badly with false memories, please someone help me

    I am in a very bad place today, very suicidal. Basically I went to a friends house on Saturday, we had some cocaine and mdma, (not smart I know). At the end of the night it was just me and one guy left downstairs I popped a couple of valium to try and sleep. Next thing I remember is waking up on the settee where I was sitting the majority of the night. So presumably I just passed out? Now when I left I was totally fine, got home yesterday felt pretty low, which is understandable. But then randomly today, the thought in my head popped in what if something sexual happened with me and this guy? Like what the hell am i thinking that for, I have a GF and have zero recollection of anything like that happening? I have zero desire for anything like that to happen and it hadn't even remotely crossed my mind, now today its suddenly all i can think about?! Surely I would remember that, how on earth would I not be able to? I hate literally everything today, I wish I could die to escape this feeling. I love my GF so much and now I'm completely freaking out. I have had similar ridiculous things such as this happen, usually around thinking have I left a lighter at someone's house and its set a fire? Or did I leave a baggie somewhere that someone's kid has got hold of, and now they might die?
    Honestly can someone help me, I know reassurance is bad but I can not feel okay today. Please help me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Freaking out very badly with false memories, please someone help me

    If you're genuinely suicidal, you need to speak to somebody - either a trusted family member or a doctor or other health professional. Get yourself to A&E if you need to.

  3. #3

    Re: Freaking out very badly with false memories, please someone help me

    I won't do anything to myself, but I'm so sick of this. I don't understand why my brain is doing this to me, it makes no sense at all. None of it. I had zero worries yesterday about this, one stupid thought and now I cant think of literally anything else.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Freaking out very badly with false memories, please someone help me

    To be fair you need to stop the cocaine and mdma as it is messing with your head?

    Do you really need to be taking that knowing what it does to you?

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