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Thread: Can’t stop worrying about MND

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Can’t stop worrying about MND

    Hi all, I know I sound like a broken record just having a really bad day today - i have been twitching for 6 months now and I am going out of my mind I’m so worried I have MND at 29! My whole body seems to be aching on and off and I can’t shake fear

    I keep self testing myself daily to make sure I can lift weights and jump up stairs

    It’s a nightmare

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    Are you getting help for your anxiety?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    Hi Blue iris I’m currently on citolapram and was doing so well to be honest I stupidly read an article which has triggered me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    Hey Murphy93,

    I'm sorry your worried. You might be best to weather this storm out and let it pass. You said you were doing well and the Citolapram was helping. But then you were triggered. I've alway felt meds were more of a bandage so to speak. They cover the wound but they will not heal the wound. You should really try to change your mindset in regards to your fear of MND. Try to start a new hobby, spend time with friends, maybe charity work. Anything that will help you move on and resist the urge to lookup and read anything that is going to trigger your fear. Before you know it it will be easier and your fear will be further behind you. I just feel anxiety is a part of a person and only that person can fix it. Good luck and take care.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    Quote Originally Posted by Yourboymj99 View Post
    Hey Murphy93,

    I'm sorry your worried. You might be best to weather this storm out and let it pass. You said you were doing well and the Citolapram was helping. But then you were triggered. I've alway felt meds were more of a bandage so to speak. They cover the wound but they will not heal the wound. You should really try to change your mindset in regards to your fear of MND. Try to start a new hobby, spend time with friends, maybe charity work. Anything that will help you move on and resist the urge to lookup and read anything that is going to trigger your fear. Before you know it it will be easier and your fear will be further behind you. I just feel anxiety is a part of a person and only that person can fix it. Good luck and take care.
    Thank you for the support Yourboy I’m so down about how I’ve been feeling the past 7 months. Thought I was over it but guess I’m not - I genuinely feel I’ve put my body through so much stress I’m shaking I’m sore all over it’s horrible yet still jump to als conclusions .

    I know medication isn’t always the answer I am definitely going to consider your advice!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    I have been twitching for almost a year as well...has yours let up at all? I had blood work, which came back fine. Now my dr. wants to send me to a neurologist, so I'm freaking out!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    Hi all, I hope you are doing good,

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted and I honestly thought I was getting better,

    Had a major set back today I’m terms of my anxiety and now I am again Analysing everything going on with my body.

    I still have awful all over body tremors, twitching and muscle pain, got myself into such a state tonight back down the als route .

    Spent the full night strength testing as usual, 10 months and counting - I’ve nearly wasted a whole year of my life on this worry .

    Sorry for going on just hoping someone was able to lend some words of wisdom for me tonight or some tough love actually!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    10 months of thinking you have ALS ? Well, by now you'd probably be using a wheelchair is you had ALS ! You don't have it, and never did have it, and to be frank with you (you wanted tough love lol) wasting every single evening strength testing is astonishing, aren't you bored of it by now all that testing ? Even people with ALS don't waste every evening testing or worrying about their condition, meaning most are living a better quality of life than you. There is no ALS, what there is are 'pure and simple' physical symptoms of anxiety.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    Hey Murphy,

    Im sorry to hear you've had a setback and fell back into the hole. Remember, it's only a setback. It happens. Body tremors, twitching and muscle pain are all common symptoms of anxiety. I've got a broad knowledge of the neuromuscular system due to my profession and trust me, you do not have ALS. I've even had a few setbacks. Someone will ask me "how can you suffer from health anxiety" with the work you do? Like I said before, it's a part of me and from time to time anxiety will catch me off guard and I have to work through it. Just like most everyone else on this forum. Picture yourself not reacting to the feelings you've been experiencing. Go grab a drink with a friend or go visit your family. Start a new hobby or anything to keep you busy and not so focused on what you feel and fear. Live like you feel great and you will start to feel great. Hang in there, this will pass. Your going to be fine.

    Take care

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    A big thank you to you both for replying! It really does mean so much and I more than needed that tough love Carys Lol!

    Hi your boy it’s comforting to know you have experience in this profession and I really appreciate your words,

    I went to the gym this morning and worked out for an hour - I gave it my all and boy do I feel better for doing so

    It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the thoughts of my head that I forgot how to function normally

    Guess I will just need to take this one day at a time and hopefully slowly recover from this

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