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Thread: My constant worry of HIV is ruining my relationship.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Unhappy My constant worry of HIV is ruining my relationship.

    To give a little back story. I’ve only been sexual active for the past year. I’m finally in a committed relationship. We both decided to get a full std panel before we stopped using protection.

    The only problem is now, my health anxiety demon is possessing me again. I keep worrying about getting HIV from my boyfriend. Even though he’s faithful and hasn’t given me any reason to think he’s not being faithful. I still have this worry of catching HIV.

    I recently started asking him to wear protection again. He asked me why, and I said because I’m worried about catching HIV. He got really upset with me ( I can’t blame him for getting mad, if I were in his shoes I’d get offended as well).

    He agreed to use protection again, because he said he doesn’t want to make me uncomfortable (he knows about my health anxiety). But he did say I should work on this issue because we’re planning to have kids in the future and obviously we can’t use protection when trying for baby.

    I know this isn’t healthy for our relationship. But I just can’t shake the HIV fears.

    Anyone else have an std fear and how did you wrk through it with your partner?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: My constant worry of HIV is ruining my relationship.

    I am familiar with this fear, when I was 16 I had a little accident with a girl and I feared that I had HIV for 4 years before building up the nerve to get tested, but when I learned that I did not have HIV it took a lot of weight off my shoulders. These days they can just swab your mouth and give you the results in 15 minutes and best of all most places provide this testing free of charge. You and your boyfriend should get tested that way you can relax and be done with this fear once and for all.

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