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Thread: Going on holiday panic

  1. #1

    Going on holiday panic

    hello everyone, first time poster here!
    i was wondering if i could share my experiences and see if anyone has any advice please on how to cope.

    I am going on holiday soon and already i am starting to feel panicky about it. I am very much a ‘what if?’ person where i worry about every possible scenario. My holiday anxiety is coming in waves, one minute i am quite looking forward to it and the next i suddenly get very panicky, tearful, racing heart and dread about going. i’ve had this before but once i am there i am usually ok. It happens most on the day of travel and at the airport etc. I feel a little bit out of control and i don’t know how best to handle it. last time i had to do everything in my power to get on the plane as i suddenly freaked out. I don’t have a fear of flying, but the whole holiday process worries me.

    I am going with relatives so not on my own, but i am worrying about being worried! Does anyone else feel like this? sorry for the rambling! any advice would be great thank you.

  2. #2

    Re: Going on holiday panic

    Hi Lozza,

    What is it specifically about going on holiday that is worrying you? Sometimes in this instance, it's best to break things down and to tackle each individual worry as one rather than to view it as a clump of concern. When you view several worries in the same pool, it's easy to become overwhelmed rather than looking at them for what they are.


  3. #3

    Re: Going on holiday panic

    Hi N,
    thanks for replying.
    i think it’s mainly being out of my comfort zone and being far away from home, i feel like i can’t escape if i start to panic. Once i am there i can feel ok but i get myself so worked up i feel like i can’t and won’t enjoy it. It’s the thing of not feeling in control i think.

    i tend to worry about the what ifs in the future instead of focusing on right now if that makes sense?

    sorry appreciate my first post was me just rambling!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Going on holiday panic

    Nothing wrong with voicing your fears out loud - even to your fellow panickers on this site.

    I have exactly the same fears about travelling away from home as you do. Don't like the feeling of being trapped on public transport - especially planes where you cannot get off if your fears get beyond you. It's the anticipation that is the problem - usually when I get to where I'm going I've largely passed through the panic, but the weeks of procrastination and shall I shan't I dithering beforehand are exhausting.

    Might sound like a cop-out but I've got to the point in my life where I think 'why do I put myself through this?' My advice to you would be just do what you are comfortable with - for example I just make trips where I can get there and back in a day - back to my own bed where I sleep much better, can wake up in peace, and don't have to suffer the miseries of hotels, tourists and crowds. Know your limits, accept how far you are willing to push yourself, and go from there.

  5. #5

    Re: Going on holiday panic

    thank you for replying. it’s hard because i want to push myself to do these things but as you say it can be exhausting. It comes in waves, one minute i am excited about it and the next i can feel the panic starting again.

  6. #6

    Re: Going on holiday panic

    update: the holiday is starting to overwhelm me big time. i go next week and honestly right now i can’t think of anything worse than going. I am worried i will be a misery the whole time and it’s not fair on my relatives. I am seriously doubting if i can go. does anyone else feel like this? It’s all consuming in my mind at the moment.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Going on holiday panic

    Hi Lozza

    Yep, I get really anxious about going away. Thing is, once I'm there I always have a great time and come back feeling much better.

    What helped me last time was to make some preparations before I went, things like downloading apps and relaxation exercises onto my phone to help with anxiety. In the end I didn't need any of it, but it helped me to know I had them as backup. I always take music, magazines and books too, usually things that are very easy to read so that I don't need to concentrate too hard. Anything that you find distracting and relaxing.

    I really hope you manage to go. I'm sure you'll have a great time if you do.
    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

  8. #8

    Re: Going on holiday panic

    thank you for the tips, i will definitely take some things to keep me distracted if i manage to go. i appreciate you replying

  9. #9

    Re: Going on holiday panic

    so another update: i didn’t get on the plane. the panic was overwhelming and i decided i wasn’t up to going. Annoyed with myself but also feel it was the right thing to do for me. my job has been very stressful the last few months and i think it’s a culmination of too much going on.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Going on holiday panic

    It's okay to back out of things sometimes; if you've been getting that upset you almost certainly did the right thing for you.

    Work stress ruins everything, doesn't it?

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